A0. 8226 OHDEB AUTH08IZI1fG DISTRICT CLEH% TO PURCRABE TYPEWRITEB On this the 10th day of March 1959, the District Clerk was authorised to pnrchaee s typewriter of hie own choice, and by authority of the Comissioaers' Court, he was suthox~ lsed to pmrahase the same at a coat not to eaoeed :235.00. Motion duly made by Commissions Brewton, eeoonded by Comieeloner Bartel and unanimously approved. o-o-o-o-wo-o-o-o R0. 8227 TBAASFEB OF =2500.00 FROM GENERAL TO OFFICERS SALARY FUAD On this the 10th day of March 1959r came on to be heard and aoneidered by the Court the matter of transferring the sum of 12500.00 from the Oenere.l Fund to Lhe Offloers Salary Pend and oa motion duly made by Commissioner Bartel, eeoonded by Commissioner Powell end ~, unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and are hereby authorised to transfer the above amount on their respective books. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8228 APPOBTIOSMENT OF 15,000.00 FROM ROAD & BBIDOE FIIAD On this the 10th day oP March 1959, after motion duly made by Commissioner 3tohe, seoond ed by Comissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County 2reaeurer be, and are hereby directed to apportion the following amounts out of Road and Bridge Fund, to the following respective Funds sad Commissioner's Preoinot'e, to-wit: Road & Bridge No. 1....$1700.00 Road & Bridge No. 2.... 900.00 Road k Bridge Ro. 3•••• 800.00 Road & Bridge No. µ.... 1600.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8229 APPOIHTMBAT OF COLONEL L. 8. 1rOLFE, ASSISTANT D3PIL.DEFEASE COORDINATOR Alf ORDER BY THE COMMISSIORERS' COURT OF %ERR COUNTY, TExA3, CREAT INO A COIIRTY DEFERSE A$D DISAST88 RELIEB COMMITTEE AND PRvYIDINO THH POwE83 OP THAT OOMMITTEE CREATIAO THE OP'FIOE OF COUNTY DEFEASE OOORDIHATO$ AND PROYIDIAO THE DIITISB AHD 88SPOHSIHILITIEB OF TART tlFFICB: CREAq'IHO AH OPEBATIOHAL ORGANIZATION: 6RAHTIRG AEQEBSARY POwSR9 TO COPE KITH $MERBEHCIES THREATENING LIFEAHD PROPERTY IH THE COUNTY OP %ERRs ADTH08IZffiG OOOPEHATIVE AND MUTIIAL All AGREEMENTS FOB HELIEP wOR% BETVESA THIS AND OTHER COUHTI88 OR CITISB: AHD FOH RELATED PUH- P03E9: wHEB.EA3, The Commissioners' Court of the County of 8err, hereby dsolare that the pre- partition of a plan, and the means for its implementation, for Lhe proteetion of lives and property, in the County of Kerr from enemy attaok, natural disaster or threat thereof, ie immediately essential; sad WfD38EA3, The Comieeionsre' Court further finds that in times of emergenoiee whioh may imperil the safety of the inhsbitant• of the County, or their property, it beoomes neaeaeary to eifeotvate sad plaoa into operation the preoonoedved plane and preparations with a minima of delay; sad, WMEREAS, The Commissioners' Court rinds, therefore, Shat the preparation, adoption implementation of euoh plane are now imperative; HH IT ORDEBED, ADJUDGED AHD DEOHEED BY THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF RERR COUNTY, TE%AB: 1. Thar i• hereby oreated the County Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Comittea of the Oouaty of Earl whioh shall ooneiei of the following: (a) The County Judge of the County of %err, who shall same tie Chairman of the Comic sad who shall also bs known tie County Defense Ooordiaetor of the County of %err. ~~ (b) The Assistant Detenee Coordinator of the County of %err, who shall be ohargad wi the preparation of a olvil defense plan, for the County of %err, together with euoh other duties as the Coordinator may prescribe. The Assistant OoeMinator shall be appointed by grid hold hie poeitioa at the pleaeare oY the County Deianes Ooordinator with the advioe and ooneent of the Oomiseionere' Court. The Assietart Coordinator shall serve as the County Civil Defenee and Disaster 8eliei Committee of the oounty of %err. (o) Ths direotors of Division and Chiefs of Servio• of ouch Divisions as ray be pro- ed for by order of the Cormiesioaera' Court or by directive of the County Defense Coordim (d) Hepreeentatives not to eaceed 15 1n number from oivic, bueiaeae, industry, labo~. arena, profeeeional or other groups, to ee eeleoted and appointed by the County Judge. 2. The powers and dutiee of the County Civil Defense and Meabter Relief Committee .11 include the recommendation for adoption Dy the Commi seloners' Court oY s oivil deYenee n for the County of Kerr. The duties of such Civ11 Defense and Disaster $elief Comnlttes 11 also include the naking of a survey oY the availability of ezisting psraonael, sgvip- t, supplies and eervioss which could bs used during as emergency, ae provided Yor herein, well ae a continuing study of the need for ameadmeat• sad improvements in the civil defen adopted bq the Commissioners' Court. The Civil Defenee and Disaster Relief Commltteo bounty of %err shall meet upon the call of either the Chairman or Vioe-Chairman. 3. It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that the County of %err, shall enter all necessary agreements with all political eubdivieione, corporations, individuals and r neoeeeary parties and do all other things necessary for the purpoe• of carrying out the ~-., ~ielone of Roues Bill 784, Aots 52nd Legislature, Regular 3eeeion, 1951, chapter 311, page (Tezas Civil Protection Aot of 1951) 4. The County Judge of the County of Kerr ie hereby authorised to )ola with the the cities in this County in the formation of 6~oivil defense plan for the County of %err Sn the appointment of a Civil Defenee Direotorfor the County of %err, ae xell ae all ~ers necessary to participate in a county-wide program of civil defense and dieaeter relie •o Yar ae that prograr may affect the County oY %err outside of the limit^ of any city therein. 5. The County Judge (County Defeaes Coordinator) shall have She authority to request declaration of the ezietenos of an emergency by the Commieeionere' Court or by higher ority. In the event it ie deemed necessary to declare the ezietenos o1 as emergency out delay, the Coordinator may, if the Comaiaeloaers' Court in not in session, do eo, such action shall be subject to oonYirastioa by the Comnlseioners' Court at its aezt me the fluties and reeponeibilitiee of the County Defenee Coordinator shall include the (1) The control and direction oY the actual or training effort^ of the civil deYenee disaster relief orgap,iaatl6ne. oY the County oY %err; (2) The determination oY all questions of authority and reepoaeibility that may arieo this the civil deYenee and dieaeter relief organisation of the County of Kerr; (3) The maiatenaaoe of necessary lisi son with other municipal, dietri at, State, Count federal and other civil defenso organisations; (4) The marshaling, after deoiaration of an emergency ae provided for above, of all eaxg personnel, equipment or supplies from atLy department of the County of Kerr, to aid the carrying out of the civil deYenee plan; (5) The ieeuaaae of all necessary proclamations ae to the ezietenos of an emergency the immedlste operational etieotiveneee of the civil defense plan; (6) The ieauano• of reasonable rule e, rsgulatioae or directives which era necessary the protection of life and property is the County oY Karr, such raise and regulations 1 be filed in the office of the County Clerk and shall receive widespread publicity un: Oity will bs of aid and comfort to the enemy; (7) The supervision oY the drafting and ezecution of mutual aid agraement~ SA coopers tion with repreeentativee of the 9tata and with repreaentative• oY munloipalitiee of the countyi (8) With the oonourrenoe of the Commieei oners' Court, the eupervi aion of the final authorisation Yor the procurement oY all necessary supplies and equipment, iaolu8ing aooept- anoe of private oontributione; (9) The authorising of agreements, after approval of the County Attorney, for the use of private property Yor air raid shelter and other purposes. $Q ,6: The operational civil defense and disaster relief organisation oY the County of %err shall consist of the officers and employee• oY the County of Kerr designated by the County Defence Coordinator as well ne all volunteer County defense workers. The functions and dut- ies of this organisation shall be distributed among such divleione, earvice• and special staff as the Commieeioners' Court shall prescribe by order or the County Defense Coordinator shall provide by directive. Any ouch order shall set forth the form of organization, eetab- lieh and designate divisions and services, assign funotlons, duties and powers, and doeignat officers to carry out the provieioae of this order. Inwfar ae poeeibie, the form of organi cation, titles and terminology shall conform to the recommendations of the 9tat• Defense and IIisaeter Belief Council of the State of Tezas and the Federal Government. N0 7. Each person serving as a member of the County Civil Deienee sad Disaster Belisi Committee, or as as officer, employee or volunteer is any capacity in the County Civil De- Yenaa and Disaster Relief Or~nisation created by order or 83reotive pursuant to the author- ity herein conferred, shall, prior to assuming hie duty or duties, take an oath which shall be eubetantially as follower I, "I, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constltution of the State of Tnass, against all enemies, foreign and domeetlo; that I will bear true faith and sllegiaaoe to the same; that I take this obligati oa freely, without nay mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I ea about to enter. And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate, nor am I a member or an affiliate of any political party or organisation, group or oombiasLion of persons that advooatae the overthrow of the Government of the IIaited States or of this State by force or violence; and that during such time ae I av a member of the County Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Com- mittee of the County of Kerr, i will not advocate nor become a member or as affiliate of say organisation, group, or combination oY persona or of say political party that advocates the overthror oY the 6overameat of the IInited States or of this State by Toros or violence." NO 8. Any light displayed contrary to nay order, rule or regulation promulgated pur- suant to the provisions of this order constitutes a public nuieanoe and when deemed neoeeear, Sa order to protect life and property during blackouts or air raids, the police or sheriff are authorised and directed to enter upon any premises within the County of %err, using reasonable force, ana eatinguieh lights or take other necessary action to make effective any order, rule or regulation promulgated under the authority conferred by this order. NO 9. At all times when the orders, rules and regulations made and promulgated purena~ to this order shall be 1n effect, they shell superoede all eaieting orders, rules an8 regu- lations insofar ae the latter may be iaooneietent therewith. HO 10. This order shall, not be ooneirued eo as~to conflict with any State or Federal atatut• or with any Military or Naval order, rule or regnlation. H0.11. In carrying the proviaione of the "Tezac Civil Protection Aot of 7851" and this Commisaionere' Court order, the County shall be Yhnotioaiag is a governaental capacity, cad neitherthe County nor its agents, employees or representatives or aqq of they engaged 1n env civil defense aotivitie e, while complying with the "Tease Civil Protection Aot of 1951" or this Commi eeionere' Court order, or while attempting to comply with the above mentioned act or this Court order, shall be liable for the death of or any injury to persona or damsg~ to property ae s result of euoh activity. Amp pereoa owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without oompeasatioa grants to the County of Kerr a lice: or privilege, or otherwise permits the Couttty to iaepeet, designate or use the whole or.a~ or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during sa actual, impending or practice enegq attack, shall, together with hie successor in interest, if say, cot be civilly liable Yor the death of, or injury to aqy person on or about such rei eetat• or premises under such license, privilege or other pexniseion or for lose of, or deal to the property of euoh pereoa. AO 12. Mo person shall have the right to expend aqy public Yunde of the County in oar ryix:g out arty civil defense activity authorised by the law or this order, without prior ap- -. proval of the Conmieeioners' Court, nor shall ar~p person Lave any right to bind the County - by contract, agreement or otherwise without the prior and specific approval of the Commiaelo - ere' Court. All moneys for carrying out the civil defense aotivitie• of the County stall b deposited by the County Treasurer in a special account is the County depository, and moneys shall be withdrawn from said special fund is keeping with the general laws applicable to withdrawal of moneys from the regular Covnty funds. HO 13. Colonel L. B. Wolfe ie hereby appointed Assistant Defense Coordinator and Civi Defence Director for She County of Kerr with full powers of appointment of Assistants, to carry out the intent of this Order. 80.14. Ii ae~y portion of this order shall, far any reason, be declared invalid, euoh invalidity shall not effect the remaining proviaione hereof. o-o-o-o-o.o-o-o-o-o MO 8230. BEQUEST TO SELL SUBPLUS BOAD EQUIPMENT OF PRECINCT H0. 1 Oa this the 10th day of March, 1959, Dame on to be heard the motion duly made by Com- ^ mieeioner David Brewton sad seconded b7 Judgc Julius R. Heunhoifer, authorizing the adver- tising for bid^ to sell certain surplus items of Pracinot No. 1 rea8 maintensno• equipment, and the same having been duly heard sad considered, Commieeioaer Brewton voted AYE and Com- mieeioner Powell, Stone and Hertel voted N0, wherefore the motion was declared defeated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o DOUBT ADJOUBEED MARCH 10, 1959 at 12sA0 O'CLOCK EOOII STATE OF TEBAS o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COUBTY OF KERB Y BE IT HEMEMBEBED that there was begun and holden on the 16th day of March, 1959, at the County Court Houes thereof, in the City of Kerrville, Tezss, a 3psoisl March Term of the Commiseioaers' Court of Kerr County,. Tezse, with the following offiaerc present: Hon. duliue 8. Neuahoffsr County Judge v. D. Powell Camdfeitonmr Prso. 1~2 Roger E. Stone Commissioner Preo. /4 and 8mmia M. Muenkgr County Clerk and the Court ha~iag been opened, the following prooeauingc werc Lad, to-wit: