H0.11. In carrying the provlslone oY the "Yeses Civil Protection Aot ot1951" and this Commissioners' Court order, the County shall be functioning is a governmental capacity, sad neikher the County nor its agents, employees or representatives or aqq of them engaged lm any civil defense aotivitles, while complying with the "Tease Civil Yratentioa Aot of 1951" or this Commissioners' Court order, or while attempting to comply with the above mentioned ant or this Court order, shall be liable for the death of or any injury to pereone or damage to property ae a result of euoh activity. Ax1v person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants to the County of Serr a lies. or privilege, or otheriie• permits the County to inspect, designate or use the whole or ~97~ or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering pereone during an actual, impending or praotloe enemy attack, shall, together with hie sucaeeeor in interest, if any, not be civilly liable for the death of, or injury to aqv person on or about euoh ro estate or premises under ouch license, privilege or other permission or for lose of, or dsm to the property of euoh person. NO 12. No person shall have the right to eapend aqY public funds of the County in aer- rying out arty civil defense activity authorised by the law or this order, without prior ap- --. proval of the Conmieaioners' Court, nor shall aT~v person have any right to bind the County - by contract, agreement or othexwiee without the prior and epeoiflo approval of the Commieeio - era' Court. All moneys for carrying out the civil defense aotlvities of the County shall be deposited by the County Treasurer in a epeoial aocouat is the County depository, and moneys shall be withdrawn from said epeoial fund in keeping with the general laws applioabl• to withdrawal of moneys from the regular County funds. AO 13. Colonel L. B. wolfs ie hereby appointed Assistant Defense Coordinator and Civi. Defense Director for the County of %err with full powers of appointment of Assistants, to carry out the intent of this Order. H0.14. If aqy portion of Chia order shall, far aqy rsaeoa, be declared invalid, euoh invalidity shall not effect the remaining provisions hereof. o-o-o-o-o+o-o-o-o-o HO 8230. BEQUEST TO SELL SURPLUS EGAD EQIIIPMEBT OF PEECINCT H0. 1 1I _, On this the 10th d+yl of March, 1959, Dame oa to ~be heard the motion duly maQe by Oom- mieaioner David Brewton sad seconded b7 Judge Julius B. Hevnhoffer, authorising the advsr- tieing for bid• to sell certain surplus items of Precinct Ho. 1 read maintenance equipment, and the same having been duly heard and ooasidered, Commieeionar Brewton voted AY8 and Com- miaeioner Powell, Stone and Bartel voted A0, wherefore She motion was declared defeated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o OOUET ADJOUBHBD MAECH 10, 1959 at 12:A0 O'CLOC% BOOB o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o STATE OP TEAS j COUBTY OP KBER y BE IT EEAffiZBEBBD that there was begun and-holden on the 16th day of March 1959, at the Oounty Court Houes thereof, in the City of %errville, Tease, a Spsoial March Term of the Commissioners' Court of %err County, Tezse, with the following officers present Hoa. Julius 8. Hsunhoifer County Judge v. D. Yowell Commia6lonar Pres. iIE2 Boger B. Stone Commiseioaer Preo. ~4 sad Smmie M. Muenkgr County Clary and the Court having been opened, the following prooesdiaga wore had, towits