.611ada~^Efgors,'Sheriff., noathly Msroh 1959 report of isee of offioe oolleoted and deposited with the County Treasurer in the amount oY 5277.20. Virgil storms, Juetioe of the Peaoe, Preoinot ~1, Ren County, Tezae, oolleoted and deposited {519.50, fee of 1120.00, payable out of Otfioere Salary Fund. Ira L. Pringlet Juetioe of the Peace, Preo. No. 2, Rerr County, Tezae, oolleoted and deposited s135.85, fee of 156.00, payable out of Otfioere Salary Fund. E. A. Jordon, Juetioe of the Peaoe, Preo. Ro. 4, Rerr County, Tezae oolleoted and deposited 18.00, fee of i , payable out of Offioere Salary ~+und. Albert Wilson, Publio Weigher, 185.00 oolleoted and deposited, defioit of 165.00, 132.50 due by Oity sad 132.50 due by County. Alms Soholae, County Health Huree, monthly Maroh report. Bill Reotor, County Agent, monthly Maroh report. Margie Williams, Homa Dem. Agent, Maroh 1959 report. o-o-o-o-ro-o-o-o H0. 8237 ORDER OFFICIALLY NAMING REHRVILLS LASE This the 13th day of April, 1959, Dame on to be heard and ooneidered the letter of petition of the Rerr County Chamber of Commeros, for the re-naming of the lake on the Guada- lupe River immediately southeast of the City of Renville, oo^monly known as Flat Rook Make and it appearing to the Court that the said petition should bs granted. It ie hereby orders and deoreed that said lake, oreated by the Plood Control Dam, sreoted nt Dameits ^D" on the Guadalupe River be offioially named and hereafter ]mown and designated ae "Renville Lake". Motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, eeoondad by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0. 8238 APPROVAL OF PAYMENT OF PHS1rRATA SHARB FOR INGBAM RIGHT WATCHMAN This the 13th day of April, 1959, Dame on to be ooneidered the Salary of Ohas. Roger 1108.00 Mansfield, Ingram Hight Watohman, in the amount of 1125.00 monthly,/to be paid fro^ donation . Upon motion duly made by Commissioner Bartel, eeoondad by Commissioner Brewton, the Court balande in the County Clerk and vnanimouely approved the/,ium of 117.00 snob month, end that: the/OOUnty Treasurer issue vouch er, payable out of Officers Salary Fund. CSee original Order Ho. 7571 dated September 26,195 ) o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0. 8239 REIPIDtTRSEMENT POE ADDITIONAL LIABILITY IRSURAACE POR DEPUTY SHERIFF On this the 13th day of April, 1959, Dame on to bs ooneidered the setter of reimbursing W. B. Sdge,.Deputy Sheriff, for payment of additional liability insurance preaivm, on hie own oar being used for emergency Dells. And it appearing to the Court that said Order should bs u _ -.. approved for such purpo w, by motion duly made b1 Oommieeioner Brewton, eeoondad by Powell and unanimously approved, that the amount of 118.50 be refunded by by County Clerk and County Treasurer. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 8240 READING AND APPROVAL. OF MINUTES This the l;th day of April 1959, after motion duly made by Commieeionsr Brewton, esoondo Oo^^ieeioner Bartel and unani^ouely approved by tye Court that the Minutes of the Oom^iss-~, ers' Court, for t$e RsguLsr March Term sad Special Terms on March 16th and April 4th, 1959, ^ pages 241 through 250 be approved ae read. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o . 8241 OBDEB AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF E. C. PCRYEAR A9 DEPUTY SHERIFF d: JAILER On this the 13th lay of April, 1959, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the applioa- on of Oliver Moore, Sheriff of Rerr Oouaty, Tezae, for hie authority to appoint and deputis 0. Furyear ae Deputy Sheriff and Bailer, and it appearing to the Oourt that said offices 252 ~' is entitled to said deputy and that the applioation should be approved. Therefore, upon motion being duly made by Commissioner Brewton, eeoondsd by Commissioner Powell and unanimous .... ly approved, that the 3herift bs authorised to deputise Z. C. Puryear a is in the amount ~d being a total of =30®%•20 per annum, 'ot #~~0~;per annum,/as Jailer in the amount of 1267.20 peraanum,/plus .070 Per mile, to Ildefray the operating ooet of hie own oar, xhen is the eervios of the County. o-o-o-o+o-o-o-o ~~ H0. 8242 OHDEH DI9COHTIHIIIHO BEPT FOH COUNTY ATTORREY IH EHLL006 BIIILDIIPO This the 13th day of April 1959, Dame on to be ooneidered the disoontimution of renting ' offioe epeoe in the 8ellogg Building for Joeeph F. Leonard Jr., resigning as County Attorney. By motion duly made by Commieeloner Brewton, seconded by Commieaionsr Bartel, that the sum o! 150.00 per month be dieoontiausd, effeativs April 4, 1959. IInaaimoutly approved. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COQ&T RECESSED APEIL 13, 1959 at 3x45 o'cLOCS P.M. UFT IL 9100 O'CLOCK APRIII 14, 1959 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 8243 ORDBB ADOPTIAO BE90LUTIOH FOB BOOSMOBILB 98RVICE On this the 14th day of April 1959, by motion duly made by Oommiaeioner Bartel, eeoonded Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved the following resolution for Bookmobile vine: RESOLVED: That the Commieaioners' Court of Kerr County, Tezas, favors the development of racy eervioe for the rural area is Taza^ and requests that the State 8ura1 Library Servioe 11 inolude Kerr County Sn the plan for library development under the Library Servioes Aot 1956, providing Shat there shall be no iinauoial obllgetion !resorted thereby by Kerr Coua y. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 8244 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORTS OF ®DSTY CLERK OH TRUST, FUND t 8IHE3 On this the 14th day of April 1959, Dame on to be oonaidersd by the Court, the report o1 11 monies and tees oolleoted by Stm,ie M. Mueaker, County Clerk, belonging to offioers, wit- esee• or other persons, remaining is her heads uaoalled far by the parties entitled thereto, or the period ending Maroh 31, 1959, sad held on deposit in the County Clsrk'e Trust Fund, ', the amount of 14224.6$. Aleo quarterly repot! of 81aes Imposed, Jury and Library Fees, ~I udgment• rendered and oolleoted in the County Court by the Clerk of said County, is the arrow f 1786.30. It appearing to the Court that said reports are is due toxv and should be approve '~,, herefora by motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, seoonded by Commissioner Hertel and ~., pprovsd by the Court, and ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o $0. 8245 ORDBR FOH PAyMBHT OF OOMPHEHEASZVB INSURANCE OH SB'ERIBF'S CAH This the 14th day of April 1959, came on to be considered the renewal of Comprehensive nsurance coverage for actual Dash value oa a 1957 Ford Custom Fordor Sedan belonging to the County and used by the Sherlft'e Department, in the amount of 124.00 per annum. Motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, seconded by Commie sinner Powell and unanimously approved. l= o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o