252 L entitled to said deputy and that the application should be approved. Therefore, upon motion being duly made by Commissioner Brewton, eeoonded by Commissioner Powell and unanimou ... ly approved, that the Sheriff be authorised to deputise E. C. Puryear as is the amount ~, and being a total of X30®'/-.20 per annum, of ~7,Otj~~per annum,/as Jeilsr in the amount of i26T.20 per saaum,/plus .07/ per mile, to Ildefray the operating cost of hie own oar, when in the aervioe of the County. o-o-o-o+o-o-o-o 8242 OHDHB DISWBTIHUIMO HBHT FOH COUBTY ATTORRBY IB EBIJ+006 HIIILDLY6 This the 13th day of April 1959, came on to be ooneidered She di eoontinuat ion of rent. foe space is the Kellogg Building for Joseph P. Leonard Jr., reeigaing ae Oouaty Attorn motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, eeoonded by Commissioner Bartel, that the sum .00 per month be dieoontiausd, effective April 4, 1959. IInaaimously approved. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT HECE33ED APRIL 13, 1959 at 3:45 O'CLOOS P.M. UBTIL 9:00 O'CLOCP. APRIL 14, 1959 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 8243 ORDEB ADOPTIAO BE90LUTIOB FOB BOOSMOHILB SHHVICB On this the 14th day of April 1959, by motion duly made by Commissioner Hertel, eeoonded~~.. ',, by Commissioner Stores, the Court unanimously approved the following resolution for Bookmobile Service: 88SOLVED: That the Commieaionere' Court oŁ &err County, Teaas, favors the development of ~, ibrary service Yor the rural area in Tezae and requests that the Stets Bural Library 3ervica shall include gerr County in the plan for library development under the Library Services Aat f 1956, providing that there shall be ao iinanoial obligation incurred thereby by gerr Ooua o-o-o-o-o-0-0-0 8244 APP80vAL OF QUAHTBRLY REPOffiS OF SiiDI7,'Z OLEH& OB TRUST FUHD k FIFBS Oa this the 14th day of April 1959, Dame on to be ponaidared by the Court, the report of monies and fees collected by 8omie M. Mueaker, County Clerk, belonging to officers, wit- ee• or other persons, remaining 1n her hands uncalled for by the pnrtle• entitled thereto, the period ending March 31, 1959, and held on deposit 1n the County Clerk's Trust Fund, the amount of =224.6$. Also quarterly report of Fine• Imposed, Jury sad Library Feas, gmente rendered and collected in the County Court by the Clerk of said Oounty, in the arrow 1786.30. It appearing to the Court that said reports are in due foxy and should be approve refora by motion duly made by Coamieeioner Brewton, seoondefl by Oommiseioner Bartel and ~revsd by the Court, end ordered filed by the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0. 8245 08DHR FOH PAYMHHT OF OOMPBEHHBSIVB ffiSCRABCE OB SHERIFF'S CA8 This the 14th day of April 1959, came on to be oonaid ered the renewal of Comprehensive neurance coverage Łor actual cash value on a 1957 Ford Cuatom Pordor Sedan belonging to the County and used by the Sheiiff'e Department, in the amount of 124.00 per annum. Motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, seconded by Commissioner Powell and unanimously approved. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o r• li