Virgil Storms, Justice of the Peaoe Preoinot #1, colleoted and deposited (302.40 fee of (100.00, payable out oY Officers Salary Fund - ~ Ira L. Pringle, Ju etioe of the Peace Precinct ~2, oollected and deposited (158.15 fee of f60.00, payable out of OYfioers Salary fund. B. A. Jordan, Justioe of the Peaoe Preoinot //4, collected and deposited (58.95, Yee of (20.00, payable out of Offioere Salary fund. Henry B. Engleman, Justice oY the Peace Prec. #5, ao money collected June, 1959. Albert Wilson, Public Weigher, (123.75 oollected and deposited, deficit of (26.25 Alma Soholee, County Health Nurse, monthly June report. Bill Reotor, County Agent, monthly June report. Margie Williams, Home Dem. Agent, monthly June report. o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o N0. 8343 APPOINTMENT OF MULTI*COUNTY LIBRARY OFFICERS This the 13th day oP July 1959, by motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, eeeonded by Commissioner Powell, the Court unanimously approved the appointment of Mre. F. C. and E. A. (Andy) Greeae to serve on the multi-County Library Board. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8344 OBDER AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SPECIAL COMMI33IONERS IN~EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS On this the 13th day oY July, 1959, Dame on to be heard and ooneidered the matter of Mixing the Pees of Speoial Commissioners irL'&ainent Domain proceedings filed within Berr County, Texas; and it appearixg to the Court that by virtue of the terms oY House Bill No. 289 emoted at the Regular Seeeion of the 56th Legislature, the duty hoe vested upon the Court to set aside ouch fees, at a sum of not lees than Five Dollars (45.00) Por each day said Gommiseionere are engaged in the performance of their dut ie e, it is therefore Ordered that efPeotive this date the Yee of euoh Special Commieeionere;~in. Eminent Domain proceedings filed in Bert County, Texas be, and is set at the sum of livo Dollars (45.00) for each day they are engaged in the perPormanoa oY their duties. Therefore by motion duly made by Commissioner Stone and seconded by Commissioner saifl fee.wae unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o u N0. 8345 OBDEB 83TAHLISHING COUNTY LIBRARY FUND On this the 13th day of July, 1959, Dame on to be heard and ooneidered the necessity of establishing a County Law Library Fund, Yor the purpose of depositing certain tees and the payment of designated olaime. Whereupon by motion duly made by Commissioner Stone, sec- onded by Commissioner Brewton, and unanimously approved that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be direoted to set up a County Law Library Fund and all euoh fees oollected be directed to said Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o -o N0. 8346 TRANSFER OF 4100.00 FROM GENERAL FTJND TO LIBRARY FUND This the 13th day of ]ulf, 1959, Dame on to be ooneidered by the Court the matter of transferring the colleotioa of County Law Library fees, that have been erronouely deposited to General Pund; and on motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, seconded by Commissloner Bartel that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and are hereby authorised to issue _ fl transfer in the amount of (100.00 to the.Law.Library Fund. IInanimouely approved. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8347 PAYMENT TO DISTRICT CLER% FOR CARE OF COUNTY LAW LIBRARY This the 13th day of July 1959, came on to be considered the payment of 420.00 to Fd Honsa, Distriot Clerk, Yor eervice^ rendered is the Dare of the law library, and the Court