326 N0. 81y99 ACCEPTANCE OF AUDIT REPOT AND PAYMENT THEREON This the 8th day of February 1960, came on to be presented to the Court by Luther Robertaox~ 1:955-56-57 and L, P.A., hie 1p41f audit report for Karr County, together with a statement for $100.00, the.balen ~1}O.BO i0r service e.re,ndered-„plys~ Por material and binding expense. It appearing to the Court that 1955-56-59 and said audit should be accepted for yeaxa 1958 and salary and expense be paid. On motion made by Commissioner Stones, socondad by Commla si oner Bartel and unanimously app: owed, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to pay these soma, out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8500 APPOINTaENT OF LUTHER ROBERTSON, AUDITOR ' ~. On this the 8th day of February A.D. 1960, it appearing to the Court that Luther Robertson ~~~ of Hunt, Texas, is a duly licensed Public Accountant oP the State oP Texas, and it further i appearing to the Court that he is well qualified ands disinterested pe rave; it is herexith Ordered that the professional servloas of Luther Robertson be engaged for the purpose of making '' an independent audit of the books of all Kerr County officials who receive and disburse flinch; Tor the year 1959. It Sa further Ordered that as compensation For the rendition oP his professional aerviaes, a s}}~u?? the said Lothar Robertson will be pal d/of gY00.00, said payment to be made upon the satisPactox ompletion of said audits, out of General Fund. Upon motion of Commissioner Stone, seconded b3 ~~ ommisaioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that Luther Robertson be authorized o audit the books of Kerr County offic isle, at the above stipulated salary. e-o-o-.o-o-o-o '~ 0. 8501 AUTFIORITY GIVEN COUNTY TREASURER TO SET UP NF'W RECORI6 On this the 8th day oP February 1960, the County Treasurer was authorized by the County I Dort, to set up a new set oT books for the County, at hie discretion. Motion duly made by ommiasioner Bartel, seconded by Comm isaioner Powell and unanimously approved. ~, o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 8502 ORDER GRAFPT ING PERMISSION TO CHAi4BER OF COM;~~RCE F'OR USE OF AGRICULTURE BUILDING On this the 8th day of Pebruary 1960, came on to be heard and considered the application oP he Chamber of Commerce for permission to use the Kerr County Agriculture Livestock Eahibition oil ding for the Industrial Show, to be held April 1st and 2nd, 1960. It appearing to the Cour hat permission should be granted at no expense, except ~anltor's service, therefore on motion my made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by th Dort, said application is duly granted. o-o-o-o-o-o-o $0.8503_RESCINDING ORDER N0. 81{76 DF, FEES FOR JURY COMMISSION AP7D JURY SERVICE On motion duly made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Powell and unanimously approved by the Court that Order No.847{, be rescinded for Ease of Jury Commission & Petit Jury service Por the County and District Courts. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8504 ORDER FIRING COMPENSATION FOR JURORS AND JURY COMMISSION On this the 8th day oP February 1960, came on to be considered by the Court the matter oP rix~:ng the oompeneat$on oP Petit Jurors in County and District Courts, and oP Grand Jurors in District Court at $5.00 par diem, and Jury Commissioners at x!}.00 per diem. Motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approve i o-o-o-o-o-o-o