THE STAT& OF TEXAS 4 THE COUNTY OF KERR ~ BE IT REMEMBERED that there was begun and holden on the 11th day of July 1960, in the City of %errville, Taxes, a Regular Tsrm of the Commieaiomrsa Court, with the following officers present, to-vita Julive R. NeunhofSer David R. Brewton V. D. Powell Adolph Bartel Roger E. Stour and Emmie M. Muanker County Judge Commiaeiomr Prec, 1 Commissioner Preo, 2 Coam:l saiomr Pree. 3 Co~isaiomr Prec. 4 County Clark and the Court having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 8600 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS: This the 11th day of July 1960, on to be examined by the Court, the varloua claims and accounts against Kerr County and St~a respective Commieaiom ray Precincts ainoe the last term of Courts xhich claims and sa counts were approved for payment by the County Clerk and County Treasurer in amounts out of Road & Bridge Noe.. 1, 2, 3, 4; Lateral No. 1, Officers Sal General, Road & Bridge, Jury and County Library Funds, shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allo from page 537 to 5t}0 inol., which are made a part hereof and of this order. Motion made by Commissioner Brewton, aeeondad by Commissioner Store and unanimously o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 8601 APPROVAL OF VARIOUS MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY do PRECINCT OFFICERS. OF KERR COUNTY EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, monthly colleotiona oP Fees of office for Jum 1960, in the amount oY $17.J~7, 28, and deposl tad with the County Treasurer FMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, monthly report oP fines, fudgmenta end fury fees ool- lacted in the amount of $lyl$.00, for the month ending June 30, 1960, and deposited with the County Treasurer ED HONEA, Diatrlot Clerk, Pines, ~udgmen is and fury fees collected durls'~ the month oY Jum and deposited with the County Treasurer, Sn the amount of $232.94 OLIVER MOORE, Sherl Pf, monthly June report oP Peee of office collected and deposited with the County Treasurer in the amount of $8.45 VIRGIL STORMS, Jua ties of the Peaas, Prsainot 1, finis and trial Seea collected dur- ing the month of Jum, in the amount of $609.35. and dap oaited with the County Treasurer. CHARLES J. REES., Juetioe of the Peace, Preoimt 2, fines and trial f eee collected during the month oP Jum in the amount of X274.00, and deposited with the County Treasurer B. A, JORDAN, Justice oS the Pesos, Yrscinot 4, finis and trial Peee Collected during the month of Jvm and deposited with the County Tre sourer in the amount of $455.70 RENRY B. ENGELMAN, Jvstice oS the Pe sae Preo. $, no finis or trial Yeea collected for the month oP June, 1960 ALBERT WILSON, Publio Weigher, 114.10 oollactsd anddepoaited with the Co. Treasurer ALMA NICHOLS, County Health Nunes, monthly report Por Jum 1060. BILL RECTOR, County Agent, monthly report for Juna 1960. MAROIE WILLIAMS, Hoare Demonetrati on Agent, monthly reporb Por June 1960. This the 11th day of July 1960, nom on to be ezamined by the Court, the above listed monthly reports Sor Jum 1960, of the Covnty and Precinct Offioera of Kerr County, Texas; and the same having been heard and oonsiderad by the aourt, finds that said rep ortm are true and oorrect and should be approved; therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton, seconds by Commieaiomr Powell, said reports wars unanimously approved and an oepted and ordered Tiled the County Clerk Sor Raters reference and eub~sot to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 860$ PLAT OF STARKEY MANOR SUBDIVISION N0, 6 APPROVED This the 11th day of July 1960, on motion duly made by Cosmatasioner Brewton, seconded by saioner Powell, it ie Ordered and approved by the Commisaiomr~s Court of Kerr County,