VIRGIL STORMS, Justioe of the Peace Prea. 1, fines and trial fees Sn the amount of $436,$0, and Civil Ease Smposed in the amount of 9.00, aolleated and deposited with the County Treasurer, for the month ending July 31st, 1960 CHARLES J. REFS, Justice of the Pence Prec. 2, fines and trial fees Della cted during the month of July, in the amount of X247.50, and deposited with the County Treasurer B. A. JORDAN, Justice of the Peaoe Prec. 4, fines and trial fees colleoted during the month of July and deposited with the County Treasurer, in the amount of 183.00 HENRY B. ENGELMAN, Justice of the Peace 5, no fines or tri el fees collected for the month of July 1960. ALBERT WILSON, Publia Weigher $78,06 oollected and deposited with the County Treas- urer for the month of July 1960 ALMA SCHOLES, County Health Nurse, monthly report for July 1960 BILL RECTOR, County Agent, monthly report for July 1960 MARGIE WILLIAMS., Home Demonetrati on Agent, monthly report for July 1960 o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8620 PERMISSION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE GRANTED BILL N. RECTOR, COUNTY AGENT On this the Bth day of Augu et 1960, name on to ba conai dared by the Court the request oT Bill N. Rector, County Agent, Por txo weeks Military leave of abeenae, Prom August 14th to August 28th, at 4th Army Area Intelligence School, Fort Sam Hou eton, Texas; wlvrefors by mots made by Commissioner Brewton, seconded by Coaanisaioner Stone, ouch request was unanimously granted, without loss of salary, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8621 DISCONTINUANCE OF ALLOWANCE OF ADDIE LINESETTER AND S. G. LEINWEBER On this the 8th day of Aug, fl960, came on to be oonsi derad the disaontinuenoa of of Addis Lineaetter, who is deoeaeed, and G. S. Lsinweber, who hen been admitted to Kerrville State Hospital. Wherefore upon motion made by Commissioner Stops and seconded by Commissioner Braxton, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby directed to discontinue the pay- ment of these pauper allowances, effective as of thie~ date. o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 8622 EMPLOYMENT OF MRS JIIANITA BROWDER O~COImR. AS COUNTY HOME DEMONSTRATION AOE PIP This the 8th day of August 1960, Dame on to be heard and oo nsidered by the Court, the matter of employment of Juanita Browder O+Conner as Kerr County Home Demonstration Agent, , ~'effectlve sa of August 21yth, 1960, due to the reaignati on oP Margie Williams from said office. Wherefore on motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Brewton and approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County Tre eavrer are hereby authorized to issue voucher be for her servi cee to/rendered, ae such Agent at an annue.l salary of $1$00,00 plus $600.00 Yor travel expena es. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8623 LEASE-P[JRCHASE AGREEMENT WITH EDENS IMPLEMENT COMPANY FOR MACRINERY This the 8th day of Avgust 1960, Dame on to be conai dared by the Court the matter oP sntex ing into a ~ageraeament xith Edens Implement Company for one Ford Industrial Tractor, with 13x24 tires, Super Loader and Blade. Sa Sd machinery to be used by the commissioners of Kerr County with an option to purchase said machinery withoutpenalty. Upon motion duly made by Commie sionar Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously accepted said proposal and speoifications as submitted and Piled xith the County Clerk. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8624 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES This the 8th day oP August 1960, after motion made by Conmissiorur Bartel, duly ae oonded by Commie sionar Powell and vnanimously approved by the Court, that the Ninutsa of the Conesies- ioner~e Court of Kerr County. Texas. from osae• 351 to 361 inciuelve be approved ae read.