~b N0. 8700 APPROYAL OF PAYMENT TO PSTSRSOH MEMORIAL HOSPITAL lY ANOUIIT OF `1200.00 On this the ],4th day of Noveml»r 1960, acme on to b• ha and and oonsidsred the matter of paywnt and contribution to the Sid Pataraon Memorial Hoapical, for the Dare of indigent pat- ... Sent• for the year 1960] and it appearing to the Court that the sum of X1200.00 oonstitutes a fair payment and eons tribntion fEr suoh services, it is therefore Ordered oa motion by Commissioner Bartel, ^econded by Comtaiu inner Stone and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby authorised to isew a voucher for the sum oS X1200.00, payable ou4 of Oeasral Fund, it being epeoifloally understood that said sum '~ of #1200.00 shall ina ludo the ooatributloa Sn the amount of $1000.00 heretofore made to Kerr County, for tee of oharitable purpoes• by Bruno 9ehuls and deposited in the General Fund by the County Treasurer on October 21yth, 1960. o-o-o-o-o-o-o Y0. 8701 APPROVAL OF YAHIOUBriONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY k PRECINCT OFFICERS OF KEAA COUNTY Oa thi^ the 14th day of November 1960, Dame on to be ezamirad by the Court the various monthly reports for October, of the County and Prscinat Offioers of Kerr County, Texns= sad the same having been heard and cone Sdsred by the Court, finds that said report• are true and correot and should be approved; therefore oa motion duly made by Commisa inner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved, that said report• be nnaeptsd and flied by the County Clerk for future reference and sub Ja ct to audit, as followsi EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, monthly oollaoti one of fes• of offio• Por October 1960, in Lhe amount of {1006.60, and deposited with the County Treasurer fiMMIB ri. ltUENKER, County Clerk,,tt monthly report of Pines, Judgments and Jury fes• collected in the amount of ~1~}.00, for the month ending Ootober 31st, and deposit- ed with the County Treasurer ED HONEA, D1etrlet Clerk, tines. judg+aents and Jury Lees aolle oted during the month of October and deposited with the County Treasurer in the amount of X12$.30 OLIYER ri00RE, Sheriff, monthly Ootober report oP fes• of offioe oollected and depos- ited wish the County Treasurer Sa the amouttt of ;19.$$ VffiGIL STOHtS, Justlee of the Peao• ~1, oollected and deposited X38$.00 for finse and trial fse^ and X6.00 Tor Clv it fees imposed with flu County Treasurer. Por the month ending October 31st. CHAS. J. ARRB, Juetioa of the Pesos ~2 Pines and trial fees collected during the month oP Ootober, is the amount of =40.00 and deposited with tku County Treasurer B. A. JORDAN, Juatios of the Peaoe ~4, finse and trial fees oollected during the month of Ootober, Ln the amount of 14$.$0, and depos iced with bhe County Treasurer HENRY B. ENGELMAN, Juet io• of the Ps ao• ~$. fines and trial fes• oollected for the month of Ootober and depoaitsd with the County Treasurer in the amount of #61.00 ALBERT WILSON. Publio Weigher, (73.50 eollsated and depoalted with the County Treas- urer for the month of Ootober ALriA SCHOLES, County Health Nurse, reports for the months of September and October BILL RECTOR, County Agent, monthly report for Ootobsr, 1960 JUANITA O~CONNOR, Home Dsm. Agent, monthly report Por Oo tober FRANKLSN W. lOYiSKER, City-County Sanitarian, monthly report for October o-o-o.o-o-o-e N0. 8702 ORDER TO DISCONfINIIE ALLOWANCfi OF ALD4 SYASS On thi^ the lJ3th day of November 1960, Dame oa to b• aoneiderd the disoont lmiane• of alloxanoe 1a the avm of ;$0.00 of Alda fivans, who 1• deceased. Yherefore on moLioa made by Commissioa•r Ston, seconded by Commie sionsr Bartel, the Court approved that the County Clerk sad County Treasurer be, sad are hereby directed to disooatinue tku payment of thin pauper allowanw, •ffeotive November la t, 1960. o-o-o-o-o-o-e