COtTRT RECONVENED oa November 19th, 1960 at 10s00 o~oloak A.M. with Conaty~dudge and Commieaionara Braxton and Bartel present, oonetituting a quorum, and the Court having duly '~. opened, the following Orders wre passed: o-o-o-o+o-o-o N0. 8712 ACCEPTANCE OF BID-BOR SALE OF 1957 FORD SEDAN Oa thle the 19th day of November 1960, acme on to be Draa~nted to the Court the bldg Per the aalroP a 19$7 4-dr Ford sedan, vaed by the Sheriff~e Department. After motion made by ;otmsi eslonsr Bartel and seconded by Commissioner Braxton, the Court unanimously accepted the nigh bid of X276.00 Prom Phillips-Schreiner Ford Ce Haar for said car. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8713 TRANSFER OF ALLOWANOE OF tOi3. LENA MoOEHEE This the 19th day of November 1960, oame oa to be a7tami ned by the Court the alloxanae pair St aR~l its Reet Homs, Center Point, for the care of Mra, Lena MoGehee, in the sum of ;1}0,00 per month. It appearing that Mre. Ruth Jonas of Ingram, Texas is now oaring for Lana MoOehee wnd should be granted said allowance and that the payment heretofore made to Starlit• Rest Home should be discontinued: therefore on motion duly made by Commissioner Brewton and seconded by Commissioner Bartel, that the pnymsnt oP X0.00 be sox made to Mre. Ruth Jones, Ingram, Texas, effeotive November 1st, 1960, out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 10i 30 o~clock on November 19th, 1960. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED ZN SPECIAL SESSION oa December 3rd, 1960 at 10:00 o~cloak A. M. with the County Judge and Co~sis sloners Slone and Bartel present, oonetituting a quorum, and the Court having duly opened, the following orders ware pesaedt o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8711s ALLOYIANCE GRANTED TO MARY GIVENS On this the 3rd flay of December 1960, after motion duly made by Commisaio nar Stone, aeco~. ed by Commissioner Bartel. the Court unanimously approved that Mary 0lvsna bs allowed the sum 'of =70.00 per month for aa•Latano e, effect iva December let, 1960. A..nd that ^aid sum bs paid IMra. Claude Blount at Hunt, Texas, for the ogre of Mary Oirsns, payable out of Oe Hazel Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 871$ ORDER TO ADVERTISE FOR BITS Fri FENCING MATERIALS ON BIOAWAY 1G7. On this the 3rd day oP December 1960, oame on to be oonsl dsred by the Court the matter of advertising for bide on fenoing, materials for Highway lyl, as par quantities and apeo if Laationa on Pila in the ofPic• oP the County Clerk. Said advertia ems nt to bs published one time in the official newspaper of Kerr County, with bide to bs reaa Lved by 10:00 A. M. oa December 12th, 1960. Motion made by Commissioner Stone, duly seconded by Commissioner Bartel end approved by tku Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 10:25 o~alonk A. M, on December 3rd, 1960 o-o-o-o-o-o-o The foregoing Minutes from page 383 through 389 wars read in open Court and found correct and are hereby approved thi^ 12th day of December 1960. i- ATTEST ~/~ ~ ou y •r , err 6ou~i6y, a ~ y u •, rr ounty, e o-o-o-o-o-o-o