following respective Commiselonere~ Prec incta ae follows: Road do Bridge No. 1 1700.00 '- Road & Bridge No, 2 900.00 Road & Bridge No. 3 800.00 Road & Bridge No, 4 1600,00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8727 READING AND APPROVAL. OF MINUTES This the 12th day of December 1960, after motion made by Commie aloner Stone, seconded by Commiaeionar Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court, that the Minutes of the Commission Court of Kerr County, Taxae, from page 383 thru 389 be approved as corrected, O-G-O-O-O-O-O .~ pOURT RECESSIDat 5:00 o~clock P.M, on Deoembsr 12th, 1960 o-o-o-o-o-o-o COUBT RSCONVEN® on December 17th, 1960 at 1Os00 o~eleok A,M: with Judge Neunholfer 8 Coeur mlaeioners Brewton, Bartel and Sto ns present, and the Court (saving duly opened, the following orders were passed: ~~ °-O-O-O-O-O-o N0, 8728 ACCEPTANCE OF HID OF TEMPLE LDMBERYARD FOR FE/CINS OA HIGHWAY 41 On this the 17th day of Deaember 1960, name on to be considered by the Court the bide for fencing materials for fencing right-of-vay for State Highway No. 1~1 from a point 11,5 miles YB of the Real County line to Stat• Highway No, ZJ and pursuant to notice given in Order No, 8720 entered the 12th day of December 1960, the Court prooeeded to open all bids submitted pureueat to the revised specifloatsons set forth 1n said Order and after publioly reading said bide aloud and tabulating and considering the. bans thereof, it is the finding of the Court that t following bid submitted by the Temple Lumbar Company of &errville, Tease Se the lows at and bee bids 335 20 Rod Rolla 832-12-12} Imported set xire ~ $10.97 per roll $ 3,674.95 335 20 Rod Rolla 1047-12-12} Imported net wire ~ $13,79 per roll 4,619.6$ (Delivery oa this xire within 90 days after order) 2000 10 ft Oalvaalzed Steel Fence Ponta American "T" design and manu- Ianture 8 $1,80 each 3,600.00 B6 80 Rod Roll^ 12} Oaugs Oalvaaized Cable Wire (Dosuetso) Q #7.35 per s'Ou 632.10 400 Lbs 1}x9 balvaaized Fencing staples (Dome spio) t ;11.1,$ per owt 45,80 1000 Lbs (Y16 Gauge Galvanized xire (Domeatio) ® $12.25 per oxt 122.50 Neoeesary iY9 Gauge Galvanized wire (DOmestio) ® ;11,25 per owt 'SRI'>' u needed -_ 1700 10~-0"x 6" Top Pressure Treated oreoeo ted pine poat• of standard apaoifications ~ $2.60 each 4,420.00 200 10u-0"x 8" Top Pre seers Treated oreosotad pine poets of standard ppea ific at lone 8 ¢4.25 each 850.00 16 10~-0"z 6" Life Time 3tee1 Gntea ! $33.95 543.20 (Items of Domestio origin to bs delivered on or before Fab.lst, 1961) Rotal bids accepted, plus ooat of 9 gauge wire #18 508.20 On mot ion by Commisaiouer Stone, duly seoonded by OommL elo:ur Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court. it Ls Ordered that the foregoing bid of tlu Temple Lumbar Company o!' Yerrville, Tezu be, sad is hereby aooepted, sub,j•ot to Lhe terms there is set out sad subject to the oonditions •st forth in the notice to bidders given pursuant to Order No, 8721, sad oa file in the offio• of tie Clark of this Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o