NO, 8780 APPROVAL OF VAR IOUB MONTHLY REPORTB OF COUNTY & PRECINCT OFFICEA9 OF KERR COUNTY On this the 13th day of February 1961, name on to be examined by the Court the various monthly reports for January of the County and Precinct OPfin ere of Kerr County, Texas; and the same having been heard and none idered by the Court, Pinds that said reports are true and ¢or- reot and should be approved= Lhe refore on motion made by Commiaeioner Stone, seconded by Com- misAlonsr Powell, the Court unanimously approved that said reports be accepted and filed with the County Clerk, for future raferenoe and sub~eot to au dlt, as follows: EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, monthly oollection of Pees of office for January 1961, in the amount oT $ 1312.6$, and depoe ited with the County Treasurer EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk monthly report of fines, ~udgme nts and fury fees oollected in the amount oP $20.00, for the month of Januaxg 1961, and deposited xith the County Treasurer ED HONEA, District Clerk, fines, judgments end fury Seas collected during the month of Januarp and deposited with the County Treasurer, Sn the amount of $287.35 OLIVER MOO RE, She riff, monthly Jaraiary report for fees of office collected and de- poaitad with the County Treasurer in the amount of $38.1$ VIRGIL STORMS, Justice of the Pesos Prec. 1, fines and trial Peea in the amount oP $311.00, oollected and deposited with the County Tre asursr, for the month ending January 31st 1961, CHAS. J. REES, Justice of the Peaas Prec. 2, fines and trial fees oollected during the month of January, in the sum of $2714. $0, and depoe It ed with the Co. Treasurer B. A, JORDAN, Juetioe of the Peao• Preo, l4, fines and trial fees oollected during the month of January, in the amount of $1214.50, and deposited with the Co, Treasurer NENRY B. ENGELMAN, Justice of the Ps ace Prec. 5, fines and trial Pees oollected for the month oP January and deposited with the County Treasurer, in the amount of $218.$0 Albert Wilson Public Weigher, collected and deposited with the County Treasurer, the sum oP $102.6, for tkr month of January BILL RECTOR, County Agent, monthly report Por January 1961 JUARITA O~CONDIOR, Rome Dem. Agent, monthly report Sor Jams sag ALMA BCHOLES, County Health Nurse, monthly report Tor January o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ENO. 8781 APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES This the 13th day pf February 1961, name on to be co neidered by the Court the appointment of the neoeseary eleotion offioers for the •nauing year, for sash of Lhe eighteen J?reainote_of Kerr County and the Abaente• Box at the Court Rouse, a shown on pages 252 through 258, Volume 1, Reoord of Eleotion Judges for Kerr County, Texas. Motion duly made by Commissioner Stone, •eoonded by Commissioner Powell and unanimously approved by the Court that said officers be appointed for tku year 1961, and made • part hereof for all purposes. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 'N0, 8782 CHAS. SCHREI NER BANK INC. 8EL'$CTEp ~S COUNTY -SP09ITORY Thle the 13th day of February 1961, acme on to b• oonside red by the Court She bid of the lichee. Sohre inpr Bank of Kerrville, Texas, offering its se rviaes as Depoa ito Sor Eounty Funds, School Funds for t~tie bounty ead~Diatrl ct Court Trust. FUhd$,,'ead_~OOtu}@y r~.ubl¢o / ensuing txo years, and without pay- ment of Satoreat on daily b-lanos and without servia• oharge to Kerr County, Texas It appearing to the Court that the Chas. Schreiner Bank of Kerrville, Texas ie duly quali- fied to serve as auoh Depoa it ory, and that no otkur bids have been submitted to the Court, folloxing duly published notSa• asrequired by lav. By motion made by Commie sinner Bartel, ssoonded by Comm ssioner %owe 11 and unanimously approved by the Court, the bid of Chas. 3ohreiner Bank Ina, was Ordered sad said Bank wsa saw Public ~ na Li tri ct Court Ja atexi as Depository of all County, Count.y/Sohool and County ~ruat funds Sor the next two an- suing years and said Sank is hereby directed Lo make good sad •uffio seat bonds or depoe It suPflaient seourit Ses as required by lav, in Lhe naoessary amount to oovsr each of said 11~nds, and in the proper form praeoril»d by lav and submit ^ame, together with oopiaa of an d depoai- Cory oontraot• to this Court for approval. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8783 APPROVAL. OF TERRACING CONTRACTB On this the 13th day of February 1961, on motion made by Commis ei oner Stone, seconded by Commieeioner Powell, the following applications for terraoing xere unanimously approvedt Prantioe Witt Prsal nat 2 Clarence Hyde Preainnt 4 said contracts entered into by and between Commis eione rs Noa. 2 and 4, and the aforementioned parties, ae per oontracts on ills, under Artiois 23720. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8784 PERMISSION aHANTED AIMS FRANK REAL. FOR D.9B OF AGRICULTURE BIIIliDIN6 This the 13th day of February 1961, came on to be considered by the Court the reque et of Acme Frank Real for the use of the Agrioulture Building on dune 9th and 10th. Motion duly made by Commieeioner Stone, •eoondsd by Commieeioaer Sohwtkulm and approved by the Court that permission be granted at a ooet of X25.00 per day plus janitor eervic e. N0. 8785 GRA NTIN6 ALLOWANCE TO LEE AVANT o-o-o-o-o-o-o On this the 13th day of February 1961, after motion by Commis eionsr Sohwethslm, by Commi sa ionsr Bartel and nnnn+m~ualy approved by the Court, that Lss Avast be allowed the of $30.00 per month for aeelatano e, effeotlve February leL, 1961 and payable out of General o-o-o-o-o-o-e N0. 8786 AMENDS DIG ORDER 8670 GRANTING ALLOYABCS TO MRS, NOiOlA M638EY This the 13th day of February 1961, attar mot ioa duly nrM by Oommiseionsr Stone and seconded by Commieaioner Sohxathela, the Court unanlmously npprovad to amend Order 8670 gray Sng allowance to Mre. Norma Maeesy to read X30,00 per moath not to exoesd seven months from date of original Order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8787 PURCHASE OF PITNEY-BOWES POSTAGE METER MACHINE REJKCTED ^ On this the 13th day of February 1961, oame on to be oonsidsred by the Court the matter ^ of purohasing the Pitaey-Boxes Postage meter maohiru for use Sa Kerr County. Motion was duly made by Commiaeio nar Bartel and seconded by Judge Neunhofter voting Sn favor of such purchase, but motloa failed with Commiselo:»rs Stone, Sohwethelm and Poxell voting N0. i o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o NG.8788 AMENDING ORDER 8757 9ETTIt~A SALIRY OF L. A. FAUST 1961 Oa thin the 13th day of February eamo on Lo be ~oona Sdered by the Court the matter oP the salary eat for L. A. Faust, Deputy Tea Assessor & Collector to xvad 1210.00 per month for five and one-half months, instead of ^ix months, as set out !n Order 8757. Motion made b7 Comoissioner Stone :and seconded by Commissioner Sohwethelm that Order..8y$7 b• amended, as above stated. Motion asrried. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 8789 EIPENSES, OFD ,NAGS 6 COMliISSI0NER5 1n~A1~TE18T. J4AGE£' ,b. gfAl21I$SIOWERSi,'~.COMPERENCE On this the 13th day of February 1461, came on to be rnnsidered by-the-court the pay- meet of expenses of the County Judge and Commissioners to~ettend .th! Judges' and Commiss i~oners Conference to be held at A and M College, Coilegs Station, Texas; FeBruary I9th•through~2lst. On motion duly made by Commicsioner ?tone andseconded by Commissloteer Pchwethe lrh, the motion was unanimously approved by .the'court that the County Judge and Commi3s ibners attend the said