B794 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES This the 13th day of February 1461, nftsr motion made by Qommiesioner Stone, eeco oS Kerr County Commissioner Bartel, the Minutse of the Commies loners Court/from page 397 thru q06, were approved by the Court, u aorrecte d. o-o-o-o-o-o-o C ODRT RECESSES AT 5110 o~olock P. M. on February 13th, 1961 o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED at 9t 30 o~nloak A. M. on Fabruaxg lltth, 1961, with Judge. Neuahof fsrand, ~ ommise ioasrs Sehxethe lm, Bartel and Stone present, and Court having duly opened, the follow ingll were had, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o 8795 ORDER APPROVING QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER On this the L}th day of February 1961, 1n Regular monthly sees ion of Commi asionerst Court ~ on for examination the quarterly report of E. M. MoDonald, Treasurer of said Coun ty,for period beginning on the first daq of November 1960 and ending on January 31st, 1961; and eamo having been esamined and compared by the Court and found oorreot. And it appearing to Court that during the said time the Treasurer has reoaived for account and credit, and paid of snob oP said 111nda, as refloated in the report end beoomef a pert thereof= and that aid mts reoeived and paid out of the reapeativa Sunda, sines the filing of the preoe ding report during the period above stated, are oorreat ae therein ehotm. I2 IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the Court, that the sold detailed report be, and the same is y approved, and the Clerk of thi• Court is hereby ordered to file same in the Reoord Binde~ dad for the Minutes of County Finanoss. and that proper ore dlts be made in the accounts of County Treasurer Sn acaordan os with this order. On motion duly made by Commieeioner Bartel, eeoonded by Cammisaioner Stone and unanimously ved, said quarterly report Ss ordered filed for future reference and eub~eat to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 8796 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY FINANCES AND TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLER7 OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES-AND RECEIPTS OF ISERR COUAiTY This the ly.th day of February 1961. cams on to bs esaminsd by the Court the quarterly rs- ort and tabular statement of Emmis M. Muenker, County Clerk, aoverl ng the indebtedness, aspen tares. and reoeipta of Kerr' Gounty for the quarter beginning on the SSret day of November 1960 .nd ending on Jaminry 31a t, 1961; and the same having been oomparsd and •xsmined by the Court .nd Tound oorreot. Upon motion duly made by Commisaloner Stone and seoondsd by Commiasioaer said report Se unanimously approved by the Court and ordered filed for future re- and subject to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 11t45 o~cloak on February liy.th, 1961 o-o-o.o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED IN SPECIAL SE69ION oa February 24th, 1961 at 1Ot00 of clock A. M. in the County Court thereof, with all officers present, and the Court having duly opened, the Sollox- ing proosedinga were had, to-wits o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 3797 ADVERTI3IN6 POR BIDE ON CAB:h CBA33I9 FOR FIRS FIGBTING EQUIPMENT On th1• the 24th day of February 1961, came oa to be aoneiderad by the Court the matter o advertising Sor bids for a 1-1/2 Ton, l;-wheel drive sabre: chassis, Lo b• used for fire-tight- --•. ing equipment, as per epeelfioatione oa file Sa the County Clerk~a office. Yharaaa, oa mono