N0, ease APPROVAL OF 1961 PAYMENT TO READ s GUILD EQUIPMENT OOMPA1fY ON ROLIER On thi^ tla 13th day of Maroh 1961, name on to b• none ldered by the Court the matter of the 1961 payment to Head 8 Guild Equipment Company of Houston, Texas, is the sum of #1680.00, said payment to apply oa one Ingram Roller Lo be used by Herr County. Oa motion by Commission, 9tons, aeaonded by Commissioner Poxell, the Court unanimously Ordered that tlv County Clerk and County Treasurer be directed to draw voucher Sn the amount of #1680,00 in favor of Aead k Guild Equipment Compaq, payable out of General Road k Bridge Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 8807 EXTENDING TIME FOR BIDS ON CAB.. CRASSIS TO BE USED FOR FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT On this Lhs 13th day of Marsh name oa to b• ooaaldsred by the Court the matter of bide for n Truck nab and ohaesi• heretofore advertised for, pursuant to Order No. 8797, entered on the 24th day of February, 1961= and it apps ar iag to the Court that no bide wre filed xith the Court by 10:00 0~olook J.M, thi^ date as advert iced for, it is therefore Ordered on motion by Commiu inner S,toae, waonded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that the time for receiving euoh bide bs extended until Maroh 27, 1961 at 10:00 0~olook A.M., so as to enable proepeativs bidders to secure prices from manufacturers upon xhlah to base their bid o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8808 PERMISSION FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE OAANTBD BILL N, RECTOQ, COUNTY AGENT On this the 13th day of Maroh, 1961 came on to be considered by tku Court ttu request of Bill N. Rector, Covnty Agent, for 14 days Military leave of absam• during the period of Maroh 19th to April 2nd, 1961, plane of duty being Fort Sue Houston, Taxas~ xherefore by motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, such request xas unanimously granted, xithout loss of salary. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8809 PERMISSION GAANTED FOR USE OF AGRICULTURE BUIliDING On thi^ ttu 13th day of Maroh, 1961 Dams on to be Dora idered the rque st of Hill Country. District Junior Llveet ook Aeao cl at ion to use the Agriculture Building Tor skxear ing and marking shorn gdnta, --. on July 1st, 1961. The Commise ioner~s Court hu so Ordered that the above request bs approved, on motion duly made by Commise inner Bartel, •eoandsd by Commissioner Sohvsthelm, and that there be no charge, excepting janitor urvio •. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 8010 OFFER OF IIERR COIINTY TO MRS. MAOOIE BCHUI4ACHER, B. N. 3CHUMACHER ET IIX, J. A. SCHUMACHER, ET UX, AND H. A. SCAUMACAER, ET i1JC, FOR LAND AND DAMAGES FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY ON STATE HIORWAY N0. 39 AT 80HOMACHER CROSSING. On thin the 13th day of Maroh, 1961, same on to b• hard and noes= dsred by the Court the matter oS determining the amount of oompensati on to be paid Mrs. Maggie Sohumaohsr, B. N, Sohu coacher, at ux, J. R. Sahumaaher, •t uz, and H. A. 8ohweaehar, st wc, for land and da:~ge^ for ~! r»oeaeary Aight-of-Way for State Highxay No. 39 at the 9ohumaoher aroseing near Hunt, Texas, and the Comml es inners Court of Karr County, after having previously made a detailed inspection of the subject property, makaa the following Pinal offer subject to the conditions there Sa set out, on motion by Cwmeisaioner Roger Stone, sec onded by Commissioner W. 0. Sohvethe lm and dnanimously approved by the Court, to-wit: Parnell No. 8 and 9 oontwining 1,993 sores of land oY vhiah 0.971 aorss of land nonstltuts nax right-oP-yap and 1.022 sores of land oonatitute existing right-of-ray. Por land and dosages ................. #3,186.80 All Smprogmeata dtuated on these parcels to be retained by the oxnera and removed on orb before April 15, 1961. Oxrars to oonstruot the it own fenoe^ along nax righS-ol-way 17.ne and to ogee tku it 1 Snah rater lints Sneide a 2 inch oaeing out of oompsnsatioa alloyed for damage: