N0. B$59 GRANTING PAYMENT- FOR CENTER POINT VOLUNTEER FIRB DEPARTMENT This the $th day of May 1961, after motion duly me de by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved, that the County Clerk bs, and is hereby directed to draw moocher against the County Treasurer in the amount of X100.00, payable to Center Point Wolunteer Fira Department, out of General Fund, far ssrvioes readers dfor rural tiro protect ioa~ " -• ~ 'o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8860 OADER AUTHORIZING PREPAYMENT. OP SUtdt, W7E. OX MACHINERY LEASE CONTRACTS On this the 8th day of Hay 1961, Dame on to be heard and eons idared by the Court the mabti of prepaying certain payments on machinery lease co nt rants hs retofor entered Sato by Kerr County, and St appearing to the Court that the Cha e.3ohreiner Bank of Kerrville, Texaa le legally entitled to certain payments due on July 1, 1961 sad on August 8, 1961 and has agreed to aoaept prepayment of such payments; sad it further appearing that the necessary funds for suoh payments are on deposit in the County Depository sad that it mould be to the advantage of Ksrr'County to prepay euah payments, iL ie therefore Ordsrsd oa motion by Commissioner Sohwth• elm, seconded by CommL aioxur Bartel and unanimously approved by the Caurt that the Clerk and Treasurer be authorised and dlreoted Lo draw you ahsrs on the Road and Bridge Pund, payable to the Chas. Schre insr Bank to discharge the f olloxing obligations for the purposes and amounts indioats d: 1. Payment oa Allie-Chalmers Traoto Loader Prinoipal :2,900,00 Interest to July 1, 1961 10,0 Total , 2. Payment on Ford Super Loader Principal ~2, 250.00 Interest to August 8, 1961 199.69 Total Tip., 3. Payment oa Allie-Chalmers Motor Grader Prlac ipal X2,782.84 Interest to July 1, 196a Total o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8861 APPROVAL OF ADVANCEME:NP TO LDTHER ROBERTSON, AUDITOR, DR CONTRACT AND SIIPPLIE3 This the 8th day of May 1961 Dame on to be ooneldered by the Court tlv payment of X150.00 to Luther Robertson, Aud ltor, for an advame payment oa 1960 audit,. Kerr County Lo reae ive credit against the balance due upon oompletion of said audit. Also to be re imbur asd $22.50 for suppl isa Sn setting up books. Oa motion made by Commiaai onsr Stone, duly seconded by Comsissioner Bartel and unanimously approved, that the County CU rk and County Treasurer be, and era hereby directed to isqus voucher in the amount oP X172.50, out of Osne ral Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8862 OAAER AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF JOYCE BARYON, PART-TIME DEPUTY GLERK This the 8th day of May 1961, Dame on to bs considered by the Court, the applioation oP Emnis H. Muenker, County Clerk, for authority to appoint and deputise Joyce Barton as Deputy County Clerk, and St appearing to the Court that said ofPlo sr L ant it led to said Deputy sad that the applio ati on should be approved; therefore on motion made by Commlaaioner Stone and seconded by Commieei onsr Sohwethelm, tku Court unanimously approved bhat acid off to er m auth- oriaed to deputise Joyce Barton, as part-time employee, at the rats of E1.00 per hour o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ho, 8863 ORDER ADTFiOA IZI N6 HARRY CRATE, CHIEF DEPUTY TAX OFFICE, TO ATTEND CONFERENCE On this the 8th day of May 1961, Dame on to be Dons idared by the Court the request oP Juanita Reeves, Tax AssessorCollecto r, to reimburse a Deputy to be sent to the Professional Conferenoe Sn Houston, Tszu on May 15, 16 and 17, 1961, pursuant to Senate .Bill No. 391y. On motion by Commissioner Sohwathelm, se Goaded by Commissioner atone and unanimously approved by