gg59 GRANTING PAYt4RiT FOR CENTER POINT VOLUNTEER FIRB DEPARTMENT Thin the 8th day of May 1961, after motion duly made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby directed to draw voucher against the County Treasurer in the amount of $100.00, payable to Center Point ®olunt eer Pire Department, out of General Fund, Lor sRrvioes rendered for rural fire proteotio: .. -~ ~ ~ ono-o-o-o-o-o-o ~i N0. 8860 ORDER AUTHORIZING PREPAYMEHT.,OP SDMB, DTT$_O$ MACHINERY LEASE CONTRACTS Oo this the 8th day of May 1961, asme on to be heard and oona !dared by the Court the matte of prepaying oertaia payments on machinery lease tout raota heretofore entered into by Kerr bounty, and it appearing to the Court that the Chas.3ahre finer Bank of Kerrville, Tezas is legally entitled to certain payments due on July 1, 1961 and on August 8, 1961 and has agreed to aaaept prepayment of auah paymeatsf and it further appearing that the necessary funds Tor suoh payments are on deposit in the County Depository and that it mould be to the advantage of Kerr County to prepay suoh payments, it fie therefore Ordered on motion by Commissioner Sahwth- elm, eetonded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that the Clerk and Trsaavrer be author! sad sad dlreoted to draw vouohsrs on the Road and Bridge Fund, payable to the Chas. Sahreinsr Bank to disoharge the Pollowiag obligations for the purposes and amounts indicated: 1. Payment on Allie-Chalmers Traato Loader Prinoipal $2,900.00 Interest to July 1, 1961 10.0 Total , 2. Payment oa Ford Super Loader Prinoipal $2,250.00 Interest to August 8, 1961 ~- ~19-9~.6~9 Total 9Ti9'., 3. Payment on Allie-Chalmers Motor Grader Prinoipal $2, 782. B1; Interest to July 1, 19bn Total o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8861 APPROVAL OF ADVANCEMENT TO LDTHEA ROBERTSON, AUDITOR, OA CONTRACT AND SUPPLIES Thin the 8th day of May 1961 oama on to be aoneidered by the Court the payment of $150.00 to Luther Robertson, Auditor, for an advance payment on 1960 audit,, 8e rr County to roesiv ore dit against the balance due upon oomple ti oa of said audit. Also to bs re Lmbur aed $22.50 for supplie^ in setting up books. On motion made by Commissioner Stone, duly setonded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved, that the County Cls rk and County Treasurer W, and era hereby directed to isqus voucher in the amount of $172.50, out of Osne ral Fuad. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8862 ORDER AUTHORIZING APPOINTMENT OF JOYCE BARYON, PART-TIME DEPUTY CLERK This the Bth day of May 1961, cams on to bs co ns idsrsd by the Court, the appliaatioa of Ewaie M. Nuenker, County Clerk, for authority to appoint sad deputise Joyce Barton as Deputy County Clark, and 1t appearing to the Court that said offio er L ant It led to said Deputy and that the applio atioa should be approved; therefore on motion made by Commisa ionar Stone and seaonded by Commissioner Sohwethelm, the Court unanimously approved that said offio sr bs auth- orizsd to deputize Joyo• Horton. as part-time employee, at the rate of $1.00 per hour o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 8863 ORDER AUTROR IZI N6 HARRY CRATE, CHIEF DEPUTY TAX OFFICE, TO ATTEND CONFERENCE On this tku Bth day of May 1961, came on to be oonaldared by the Court the request oP Juanita Reeves, Pax 4sssssor-Colleoto r, to reimburse a Deputy to be sent to the Professional CoaTersnoe in Houston, Tezaa on May 15, 16 sad 17, 1961, pursuant to Senate Bill No. 391;. On motion by Commisaioaer S.ohxethslm, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved by