45~ N0. 8935 ACCEPT3NG..BIID OF 3ALLEE LUMffii COMPANY FOR PAINTING Thin the 14th day of August 1961 name on to ba examined by the Court the sealed bids for ,. painting the non-masonry exterior surfaces oY the Court House, also the exterior metal scsfaca oP the xindowa and replace the mlasing glass of the jail. Upon opening and reading the bide Piled with the County Clerk of tlu CmuY~t, Yt-ia found that Sallee Lumber Company is the lowest and best bid. Upon motion made try Commie si oner Powell and seconded by Commissioner Stone, it is therefore Ordered by the Court that the sum of $638.00 for exterior non-masonry painting and $11'7.50 for the jail be allowed, out of Permanent Improvement Fund. o-o-o-oco-o-o N0. 8936 ADVERTISE FOR BI7S ON 2-TON CAB AND CRASS LS FOR PRECINCT 4 On this the 14th day of August 1961, came on to be considered by the Court the matter of advertising for bide for a 2-Ton cab end chasals for Precinct No. 4, as per spec if is atioxia on file with the County Clark. Bide to be received until September ll,., 1961 at 10:00 o~cloc:k a. m, at which time the bide will be publicly opened and read. Right to reject any and all bide re- served. Upon motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Powell and unanimouEily approved by the Court that the County Judge be, and is hereby authorized to advertise fm^ the above bids for two consecutive times in the Kerrville Mountain Sun, the official newapapeir of Kerr County. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0.. 89)7 SE3TLElIE7T WITH TAX COLLECTOR FOR TAX YEfIR 1960, ENDING NNE 30th, 1961 This the 14th day of August 1961, oame on to be examined by~the Court the settlement with Juanita Reeves, Tsa Aeaeeaor-Coils otor, for the period ending Tune 30th, 1961, and it~appearirg to the Court that said report ie in proper Porm and should bs approved; and i That the Tax-Assessor-Collector be credited with the amounts as set Porth on the ourrent .tax roll of Inaolve nta, Error e, Delinquents and Discounts Allowed; el so that the Tax Asaeseor- Collector be oharged with the amounts collected Sn addition to the ourrent. rolls of Supplement- al and Insolvent Tax Colleoti one, Redemption and Poll Texee, as listed on report. 07t motion by Commissioner Stone and seconded by Commissioner Schxethelm the Court unanl- mo uely accepted Bald reports as eubmitte d, to bs filed xith the County Clerk, for future refer enoe and aubjeot to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o (~