On motion duly made by Commis aioner Bartel and seconded by Commissioner Stone, said re unanimously approved by the Court and ordered £Sled for nature reference and aubjeot to o-o-o-o-o-o-o K0. 8949 ORDER APPROVING QUARTERLY REPORT ~ COUNTY TREASURER On this the 17th day of August 1961, in Regular monthly session oT Commie slonsM~ Court Dame on Svr examination the quarterly report of E, M, McDonald, Treasurer of said Court, Por the period beginning on the 1st day of May and ending July 31st, 1961; end the same having been examined and compared by the Court and found oorrect. And it appearing to the Court that durin the said time the Tre eaurer has race lved for socount and credit, and paid out of eaoh said Hand as reflected in the report and becomes a part thereof; end that said amounts reoeived and paid out oP the respective fluids, since the filing of the preceding report and during the period above stated, are oorrect as therein shown. IT TS TfISREFORE ORDERED by the Court, that the said detailed report be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to file came in the Record Binds provided for the Minutes of County Finance s, and that proper cre data be made in the eaco ante of said County Tre eaurer in acoordance with this Order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o /SUPPLY 8950 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS OF CENTER POINT VOLUNTEER FIRE IEPT APID KERRVILLE BARBER & BEAUTY This the 17th day of Augu et 19611, came on to be examined by the Court the claim of Center .t Volunteer Fire Dept. in the amount of $1$0.00 for eervioee rendered. Also the claim of villa Barber & Beauty Supply in the amount of X2.00 Por window cleaner for Court House. above claims wars unanimously approved for payment by the County Clerk and Tre eaurer, on on by Commissioner Stone and seconded by Commis aionor Powell, out of General Fund. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSF~ at 4:00 o~clock P. M. oa August 17th, 1961 DeeĞe-o-o-o-o all COURT CONVENED IN SPECIAL BESSION oh August 29,1961 at 9:00.a~olook with../ofPiaere preeent Por the proposed Budget Hearing for 1962. COURT RECESSED & RECORVENED at 10:00 O~elock A. M. Tor the opening of the bide, for bridge at Leglon crossing. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 8951 ORDER ACCEPTING BID OF FRANK THOMASON FOR REPAIRS N6 BRIDGE AT LEfiIOI CROSSING Cm this the 29th day of August 1961; came on to be heard and ao neidered by the Court the ioua bide Por ralsing and improving the bridge at the Legion arosei~, heretoPor• received the Court, sad AfteF due cane ideration it appearing that the bid ae submitted by Mr. Frank mss on of Kerrville, Te xsa is the lowest and beat bid. Motioa duly made Dy Conmti ssionerSohwsthelm, eeconded by Judge NeunhoEfer, with Commieai 'ppera 3chwethelm sad Bartel voting Aye and Commis aione ra Powell and Stone voting No. Whereupon IJUdge Neunhoffer voted in favor of the bid and it is so Ordered. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 8952 EMPLOYMENT OF LffiTER B. WHITTON AND COMPENSATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERYICES This the 29th daq aP August, 196Il, Dame on to be considered by the Court the matter of err- ing the profeeai onal eervioee of Mr. Lester B. Whitton to supervise the oonatruation oP the ge at Legl on oroa sing; also that he be oompeneated in the amount oP ~I{,00.00 Por the prepare . of plena and apeaifioations, and all of the neoe scary aupervisi oa for the oonatruction of Legion bridge. 9~id nompenaation including se rviaea rendered Rerr County, passed by Order ~ -~. C9-J D v' ~ - J