Road 8 Bridge xl 1700,00 Road k ffi~i dge ~2 900.00 Road & Bridge #3 800.00 Road & Bridge N4 1600.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9029 TRANSFER OF x10,000.00 FROM HIGHWAY 41 No.2 TO SPECIAL RIGHT-OF-WAY FUND Thin tlu 13th day of Navsmber 1961, after mot Son by Commissioner Stone, eeaondsd by Com- miseionar Sohwethelm and unanimously approved by the Court, that the County Clerk and Treasure be and are hereby directed to transfer the amount of x10,000.00 iron Highway 41 #2 to Spacial Right-of-Way Fund on their respeotive reoords» o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED at 4:30 o~olpok P,M. on November 13th, 1961 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECONVENED on November 18th, 1961 at 1Os00 o~clock A.M., with all officers present, and the Court having duly opened, the following Orders Were pee sad: o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9030 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY FINANCES AND TABULAR STATEMENT OF COUNTY CLERIC OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF IO;IiR COUNTY This the 18th day of November 1961, name oa to bs examined by the Court the quarterly re- port and tabular statement of Emmie M. Muenker, County Clerk, covering the indebte:Mees, ex- penditures and reoeipta of Herr County for the quarter beginning iugust let, and ending Oatobe 31st 1961, and the same having bean compared and exsminedlby the Court and found correct, Oa motion duly made by Commlaeioner Schwethe lm and aeaondad by Con˘alealoner Bartel, said report wsa unanimously approved by the Court and ordered filed for future reference and sub~e< to audit. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9031 ORDER APPROVING QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER On this the 18th day of November 1961, in Regular monthly session of Commiealoners~ Court came oa for examination the quarterly report of E. M. MoDonal d, Treasurer of said Court, for the pe rlod beginning on the first day of August and ending Oo to bar 31st, 1961, and the same having been examined and compared by the Court and found correct. And St appearing to the Court that during the said time the Treasurer has teas ived for account and ore dit and paid out of each said PYusda as reflec tad in the report and becomes a part thsreo P; and that said amount received and paid out of the respeotive 1lsnda, shoe ,the filing of the preceding report and ~during the period above stated,, era oorrsc4 ae therein shown. IT I3 THEREFORE ORITERED by the Court, that the said detailed report be, and the same Se hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court ie hereby ordered to file ^ame Sn the record er provided for the Minutes of County Finanoea, and that proper ore dita be made in the of acid County Treasurer in 6ooordtnoe with this Order. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9032 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS This the 18th day of November 1961, came on to be examined by the Court the following claims: Petersone Garage & Auto Co., in the amount of x36.10 for machinery repair, payable out of Road k Hri dge No, 1 Fund Dre. Tones and Bacon, each in the amount of x5,00 Tor oervi ae s, payable from General Fun d Col. L. R. Wolfe, for the sum of x28,19, reminbursement for expense to Civil Defense Confers nos, payable out oP 6e nerel Fund. Motion duly made by Commlea loner Schwethalm, seconded by Commleaioner Bartel and