of ~y1.92 per month, and that the Clerk and the Tre aeurer be authorized to draw vouchers on i i the General Fund monthly for this amount, effective December 1, 1961, and it ie further that the salary heretofore authorized for Mrs. Dorita Nichol eoa be terminated, effective bar 30, 1961. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 90$B KERR COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GRANTED USE OF AGRICULTURE BLDG. APRIL 6 & 7th, 1962 On this the 16th day of Deoember 1961, came on to ba oonaidered the reque et of Kerr County Chamber of Commeroe Lo hold its annual Home Industrial Show oa April 6th and 7th, 1962. Upon motion duly made by Commissioner Stone and seconded by Commissioner Powell, the Court unanimou ly approved that permieaion be granted at ao oharge, other than oleaning up the premises. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 90$9 APPROVAL OF MONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND HOMEDEMONSTRATION AGENTS On thla the 16th day of December 1961, Dame on to be examined by the Court the delayed reports of B111 N. Reotor, County Agent, and Mrs. Juanita O~conao r, Homa Demonatrnt ion Agent, and St appearing to the Court that said reports are true and correct and should ba approved, there Pore on motion by Coaani sa ioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Sohwethelm, the Court unanimously accepted same to be Piled with the Covaty Clerk for future reference. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9060 CLAIMS & ACCOUNTS. On thla the 16th day of Deoember 1961, Dame on to be exam Sned by the Court various claims and aacounta against Herr County, whioh claims were approve8 for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer, Sn amounts and out of General., Offlcera Salary and Road k Bridge No. 1 Funds. Motion made by Commies ioner Schwathelm, seconded by Commissioner Powell and unanimously approved by the Courb. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNID at lltls o~clock A.. M. on December 16th, 1961 o-o-o-o-o-o-c COURT CON9HbIs9 IlQ SPECIAL SESSION on Deoember 29th 1961 at 1Os00 o~alook A M. with all oftioers present, and the Covrt having duly opened, the Following prooeedings were had, to-wi o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9061 CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 29th day of Deoember 1961, Dame on to be examined by the Court various olalma and accounts against Kerr County, which olaima were approved Por payment by Lhe Clerk and Treasurer, in amounts cad out of General, Road B Bridge, R&B i~2, Law Library and OfPiaere Salary Funds. Mot ioa made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Comaiea ioner Stone and uaani- moualy approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o . 9062 ORDER DESIGNATING FRANKLIN MEEKER LOCAL CO-ORDINATE FOR FALLOUT SHELTER SURVEY TO BE CONDUCTID HY II. S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS On this the 29th day of Deoember, 1961 Dame on to be heard and oonei dared by the Court reque at of tku U.S. Corps of Engineers to appoint a local Co-ordinabor to aeaist it~^ authorized repreaentat fives in the matter of conduoting a survey of potential fallout shelter faoilitiea in Kerr County, such looel Co-ordinapor to ^ervs Sa phases one and two of Lhe pro- posed survey program, and it appearing to the Court that Mr. Franklin Meeker, the presently employed City-County Sanatarian is qualified to aerva in the oapaolty requeatsd and Dan do so at no additional oost to Kerr County, end it further appearing to the Covrt that the City Council of the City of Kerrville has heretofore joined Sn auah proposed appointment on or abo