N0. 9105 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thla the 12th day of February, after motion by Commissioner Bartel, duly seconded by Cocrmiiasioner Powell, the Court unanimously approved the Minutes oP Commissioners.' Court of -+~ Kerr County, Texas Prom page 498 thru 512. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9106 EMPLOYMENT OF ACCOUNTING .FIRM. OF PRESSL~R, HARTMAN & TROMPS ON TO AUDIT COUNTY BOORS On thin the 12th day of February 1962, came on to be cone idered by the Court the matter of employing the Pirm oY Pre aslar, Hartman & Thompson to makA audit of the books of the County and Precinct officials oP Herr County, for the oslendar year 1961. it 18.Ordered~on motion-by Goaaana stoner 9chwethelm, duly ae co tided by Commissioner Powell and approved by a majority vote of the Court as followas Commiesionera Schwethelm, Bartel and Powell voting AYE and Commla sio Stone voting H8. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 9107 TRANSFER OF $2$00,00 FROM GENERAL TO OFFICERS. SAIA RY FUND 1962 This the 12th day oY Februaxy~oama on to be none lde red by the Court the matter oP trena- ing the sum of $2$00.00 from General to Offioera Salary Fund. On motion by Commissioner el, seconded by Commissioner Powell, the Court unanimously approved that the County Clark ~ Treasurer be and are hereby directed to transfer tkie above amount on their re epective books o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 9108 APPORTIONMENT OF $5000.00 FROM ROAD k BRIDGE FUND Thie the 12th day oP February 1962, after motion by Commissioner Sahwethelm, seconded by oimaissioner P owell and approved by the Court, that the County Clerk and Tre aeurer be, and are e re by directed to apportion the following amounts out oP Road & Bridge Fund, to the reepeotive ommias toners' Preo mote: Road & Bridge //1 $1700.00 Road do Bridge $2 900.00 Road & Bridge #3 800.00 Road & Bridge M4 1600.00 % ° ~ o-o-o-o-a-o-o 0. 9108A ORDER APPROVING QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER On this the 13Th day of February 1962, in Regular monthly eesaion of Commissioner s' Court ame on for examination the quarterly report of E. M. Mo Donald, Treasurer of said Court, for he period beginning om.the .Y lrat day of November 3961 and ending January 31st, 1962, and the ame having been examined and compared by the Court and found oorreot, And it appearing to the ourt that during the said time the Tre aeurer has received for ao co unt and credit and paid out f each said funds ea refleoted in the report and become a part thereof, and that said accounts ace Sued and paid out of the reepeotive funds, since the filing of the preceding report and uring the period above stated, are oorreot ae therein shown, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the Court, that the said detailed report be, and the same Se ereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to file same in the reoord bind- r provided for the Minutes of County Finances, and that proper cre dita be made Ln the accounts T Bald County Tre aeurer in accordanoe with this Order, ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 9109 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY FINANCES APID TABULAR STATEMENT OF ~, COUNTY CLERK OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF FSERR COUNTY This the 13Th day of February 1962, came on to b• ezaminad~by the Court the quarterly re- ort and tabular statement of E:rmis M. Muenksr, County Clerk, oovering the indebtedness, eapend - urea and reaeipta of Kerr County Por the quarter beginning November Sat, 1961 and ending Janu- ~~.~ 31, 1962, and the same having been compared and examined by the Court and found oorreot. ~I On motion by Commies toner Stone and duly seconded by Commieaionar Sohwethelm, said report