N0. 912D APPOINTMENT OP ELECTION JUDGFB Fit PRECINCT NOS. 1 k 19 Oa thi^ the 12th day of Maroh 1962, came on to be heard and aonsidered by the Court the matter of appointing two Slsotioa Judgs• where there appears Lo be vaoanoip; and iL nppapr- iag to the Court that Mrs, Frank FSehsr is duly qualified and should b• appointed to replace Last' Huehong as Presiding Judge is Preoinat No. 1j also that Mrs, 0. L. Raymond bs appointed as Slestiea Judge oP Preoiaot No. 19. Motion duly made by Commissioner Sohwethelm, seconded by Commisaioaer Stone and uaanimo~ ly approved, that the above nazMd persons are hereby appointed to fill the two vaoaaeie• nov existing in Preoinot Noe, 1 and 19, Kerr County, Tezaa. o-o-oro-o-o-o N0. 9121 PERMISSION GRANTED COUNTY REACTS NURSE AND ASSISTANT TO ATTEND ASSOCIATION On this the 12th day of Maroh 1962, Dame on to be considered by the Court the rquest of Alma Scholea, County Re alth Nurse and her assistant for permieaioa to attend the Texas Asaocla tioa for retarded children at S1 Pea o, on April 26.th though the 28th, 1962. Whe refo rs, on :notion by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Schxethe lm, such request was unanimous ly granted, and expenaea authorized not to exceed >~150,00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9122 PIIiMISSION GRANTED USE OF AGRICULTURE BIIILDIN6 On this the 12th day of March 1962, came on to be cones dared by the Court the request of the Extension Sheep & Goat Committee to use the Agriculture Building on July 16th, 1962, The Comm1a41oaerm Court hen so ordered that the above request bs granted, on mention made by Com- niseioaer Stone, seconded by Commissioner Povsll, and that there ba no oharge, eanepting janitor service. o-o-o-o-o-o-® N0. 9123 PLAT OP ffi,OCK 33, SCBREINER ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KERRVILLE APPROVED This the 12th day of Harsh 1962, Dame oa to be considered by the Court the matter of aoosp ing the L, L, Davi• Plet is Blook 33. Schreiner Addition to the Clty of Kerrville, and same to bs admitted to reoord in the PLAT RRCORDS of IGrr County by the County Clerk of Kerr County. It 1. ORDERED on motion by Comaisa loner Sohwthalm, duly seconded 6t' Comaiaaionsr Bartel sad approved by the Court Yhat LIv above mentioned Plat bs approved and filed by the County o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9121E AEADING AND AYPROYAL OF MIN9T&4 Thin the 12th day of Marsh 1962, aster motion by Commiealonsr Bartel, seooaded by Commiss- ioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved the Minutes of Commissloaere~ Court of Ksrr County, Texas from page 512 thru 516. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9125 ORDER GRANTING ALLOYANCS TO GEORGE MASSEY On this the 12th day of March 1962, after motion duly made by Comnissioaer Stone, sscoadec by Commies loner Schvethelm , the Court unanimously approved that George Massey be allowed a monthly allovaao• of $30.00 for assistance, payable out of General Fund by the County Trsaeurex sffeotive March 1st, 1962. o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0. 912(, RSCINDIN6 ORDER 81;.01 IR RSt ISAAC COLLAZO This the 12th day of March 1962, on motion duly sRda by:Comsiu loner Bartel and seconded by Commissioner Povsll, the Court unanimously approved to reaind Order 81}01 granting allowanoa to Isaao Collazo for auistagce,