Commissioner Sahxathelm, duly seconded by Co mmieaioner Stone sad unanimously approved by the Covrt that the above mentioned Plat be approved and filed with the Covnty Clerk. o-o-o-ovo-o-o N0, 9178 PLAT OF ANTLER HEIGHTS N0. 2 SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF KERRVILLE APPROVED Thls the 2$th day oP May, 1962 name on to be considered by the Court the matter of ao nept Sng the 6ntler Heights No. 2 Subdiv Saioa to the City of Kerrville, the same to be admitted of raoord Sa the PLAT RECORDS of Ksrr County by tiu County Clerk of Ksrr County. It Ls ORDERED on motion by Commiasloasr Schwethelm, seconded by Commies toner Stone and approved by the Court that the said plat be agospted, sub~aot to thp: approval 04 plaaning none committee oP Lkue City of Kerrville, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9179 ORDER DIRECTING EXECUTION OF CERTIFICATES OF CANCELLAT20N On thla the 2$th day oP May, 1962 cams on to ba examined by the Court Cert ific ntee of Canoellation,Certificate Humbera 21166 through 21176, inclusive, presented to the Court by Juanita Raave a, Tax Assessor-Collector of Rerr County, and it appearing to the Court that the reasons set out Sn snid Certificates Tor the oanoellatioa of taxes there la are good and suffi- cient; it is therefore Ordered by the Court Lhat the said certiflontss be granted and signed by the Covnty Judge,on mot ion by Commissioner Stone and seoonded by Commissioner Snhwethelm. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOIDtNED at 9t$3 o'olock A, M. on May 25th, 1% 2 o-o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE OF TEXAS ( PETITION FOR SCHOOL TAX ELECTION KERR COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, 2 (INGRAM) COUNTY OF RBRR ~ WE, THE DNDERSIGNED, resident qualified property taxpaying voters of KERR COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2 (INGRAM) of EERR COUNTY, TEXAS, xho own taxable property in said Diatria and who have duly rendered the same for teastion, reaps atfully pray that you order an eleot ion Lo be held in said Diatriot at the earliest date praotlcable, for the purpose of sutmltting th following propos pion to the resident qualified property taxpaying voters of said KERR COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 2 (SHORAN) of KEAR COUNTY, TEXAS, rtho oxn taxable property in said Dietriat and who have duly rendered the ^ame for taxation, for their antion thereuyon: 'SHALL the Co~is^ioners' Court of Kerr County, Texns, ba author- ized to annually levy and collect in the manner provided by law an annual ad valorem tax at the rate of not to eaosed ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS (~1.$0) on each one hundred d311arb valuation of all taxable property in KERR COUNTY COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT N0, 2 of SSRR COUNTY, TEXAS, Por the further mnintenanne of the publio free sohools Sn said District, as provided by the terms and oon- ditions of Lrtlole 2781;a-1, V. A,T.C,S„ as amendod4• If each taz is eo adopted by majority vote of the duly qualified resident property tax- paying voters at acid election therefor, than the provisions of Artio le 2781ys-1, V. A. T. C.S., ab amended, shall apply to euah Dietriat. DATED, this the 18th day of May, 1962. 6so. B. Soharnberg Mra Oeo,B.Soharnberg Billy Joe Guthrie Mrs Billy Joe Guthrie vey D. Goff s Harvey D. Goff Leoil Dlxoa Jr Mrs Leoil Dixon Jr Hilly •. Lee W, C. Brooks Joseph W. Allan Thos. N. Doss Jr Hildred Croom Emmett Doss Sv Se E. Done Roy Ksy IDrothy L.Saith Les H Smith R. C. Reed W.F.Wehmsyer Reapaotfully submitted, Charles C. Craig H. M. Laird Mra J.R. Loolur G. J. ytrbrough Roy LiiLlefield 8ar1 Hyds J K Looker W. C. Tall»rt Mrs W.C. Talbert W~slsy Ellsbraoht Slsis Roth Mrs Wsslay Elle bracht B N Talbert Keith J. Meadow 8. R. Van Hoozer T. J. Oshlsr Col Wm P. Corringtoa Altos B. Corriagton John D. Crenshaw Mrs John Crenshaw Filed 22 Dny of May A,D. 1962 Smm1s M. Musnker o-o-o+o-o-o