and vnanimouelp approved by the Court. r H0, 92].5 APPROVAL OF MO NTRLY REPORTS OF COUNTY k PRECINCT OFFICIALS OF I~AR COUNTY On this the 13th day of August 1962, came on to be examined by the Court the various re- ports for Tuly of the County and Precinct officials of Kerr County, Texas and the same having been heard and considered by the Court, finds Lhat aaid repo rte are true and correct and shoo: b• approved; therefore, oa motion by Commissioner Hertel, seconded by Commissioner Stone. the Court unanimously approved that aaid reports be aocepted and filed with the County Clerk, for future referenoe and eub~ect to audit: EMMIE M, MUENKER, County Clark, oollectlon of fees of office 961497.44 EMMIE M. MUENKER, County Clerk, fines, ~udgmente and fury fees 393,00 ED BONER, District Clerk, ~udgme me & jury fees 178.05 OLIVER MOORE, Sheriff, out of County fees 22,7$ VIRUffi STORMS, Juet ice of Lhe Pe acs Preo.l, Pines k trial fees 403.$0 CARS. J, REFS, e • Prec. 2, " ° " 126.00 B. A. JORDAN, " " Preo.4, " " " 225.00 HEiffi~C B. ENOELMAH " Preo,S, " " " 188,$0 ALBERT WILSON, Public Ydigher, publio scale race ipte 111.88 ALMA SCHOLEB, County Realth Nurse, report for July BILL RECTOR, County Agent, report for July JUAHSTA O'CONNOR, Rome Dam. Agent, report for July o-o-o-o-o-o-o MANOR N0. 9216 PLAT OF STARREY /$UBDIVISIOH N0, 7 IN THE CITY OF KERRVILLE APPROVED Thin the 13th day of August 1962, on motion by Commissioner Sohvethelm, ee conded by Com- o mine ioaer Bartel, the Court unanimously approved the plat of Starkey~~u~~iviei on No, 7 Sn the City of Kerrville and that it be aco opted for tiling and admitted to reoord in the PLAT RECOR of Rerr County, upon final approval by the City of Kerrville, o-o-o-o-o-o-o . 9217 ORDER AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR KERB CODHTIC r.emrra er. ROAD 3DRPLD3 FUHffi IIf ACCOUNT WITH BOARD OF COUNTY 4ND DISTRICT ROAD IHDEBT$DNESS ~, On this the 13th day of August 1962, it ooming to the attention of the Court Lhlt there will bs surplus funds in the amount of $20,864.12 ore ditad to tiu lateral road aoaovnt of Kerr County by the Hoard of County and District Road Indebtedness of the Stnts of Teaas and it ap- peering to the Court that funds should properly be ezpended for the purpose of conatruatioa and improvement of lntsral roads within Barr County, St Sa Ordered oa motion by Commissioner Bartel, seooadad by Cmmnigaioner Stone and unanimously approved by the Court that Rerr County request the Board of County and District Road Indebte daeee to forward the aaid 1Ynds to the Tre aeurer of Kerr County upon their becoming available; and St ie further Ordered that all euoh funds are here and now earmarked, eat aside and designated to be used by Kerr County for the purpose of coastruotion and improvement of Rerr County Lateral Roads, and the Treasurer of Rerr County be directed to deposit each fluids upon their rase ipt in the proper 1~nd la the County Depository and it Se tUrthsr Ordered that the County Clerk prepare a oertifiad oopy of this Order and forward the name to the Board of County and Dlstriot Road Indebtedness, Z17 Highway Building, Austin, Texu. i" t1 ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o H0,9218 PORTRAITS OP MR. & MRS, JOSHIIA HROWH PO BEPL-CED IDT COVRT HOUSE On this bhe 13th day of August 1962, oa motion by Commiesloaer Sohvethelm, seconded by IICo~L siot»r gtorn, tku Court unanimously approved that Karr County aooept the portraits of