A0, 9235 TRANSFER OF ~>,500.00 FROM FM & LATERAL ROAD TO FM 689 RIOHT-OF-WAY This the 13th day of August, 1962 oame on to be oonaiderad by the Court the matter of tranafarring $1500,00 from FM & Lnteral Road to FM 689 Right-of-Way Fund, On motion by Com- mie sloner Bartel, seconded by Commieaioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved that the Covnty Clerk and Treasurer bs and are hereby authorised to transfer the above aooounta on th respeotive books. o-o-o*o-o-o COURT RECESSED until 9s30 A. M. on August 14th, 1962. COURT RECONVENED on August 14th, 1962 at 9x30 A. M„ with all otficera present, excepting C oamieaioner Powell, and the Court having duly opened, the following prooeedinga mere had tow o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9236 ORI~R APPROVING QUARTERLY REP~2T OF COUNTY TREASURER. Oa this the 14th day of Augu at, 1962 in Regular monthly aeaeioa of Commieaionares Court oame on for examination the quarterly report of E. M, MoDonald, Treasurer of said Court, for the period beginning May let, 1962 and ending July 31st, 1962, and the name having been examin ed and aompared by the Court and found aorreat. And St appearing to the Court that during the said time the Treasurer hen received for aocovnt and oredit and paid out of each said funds ae rfleatsd in the report and becomes a part thereof; and that said amou nta reoeived and paid out of the respective funds, nines the filing of the press ding report and during the period above stated, are correct ae therein shown. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the Court, that the said detailed report be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk oP this Court Sa hereby Ordered to file ^ama in the reoord b er provided Por the Minutes of County Finanoes, and that proper ore data bs made in the soco of paid County Treasurer Sa socordanca with this Order. o-o-o-o-o-a N0. 9237 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPOf2T OF CWNTY FINANCES. AND TABULAR STATEMENT ~ COIINTY CLERK OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES. AND RSCEZPT6 OP RERR COIINTY Thin the 14th day of August, 1962 oame on to bs ezamird by the Court the quarterly report and tabulsr statement of Emuie M. Mueaker, County Clerk, oo vering the Sadebtednese, expends- furs and receipts of Kerr County for the quarter beginning May 1st, 1962 and ending July 31st 1962, and the same having bean compared and examined by Lhe Court and found oorreot. On motion duly made by Commiasio ner Bartel and eeoonded by Com