Nb. 9235 TRANSFER OF ¢7$00.00 FROM FM & LATERAL ROAD TO FM 689 RIGHT-OF-YAY This the 13th day of August, 1962 Dame oa to be considered by the Court the matter of transferring $1500,00 from FM & Lateral Road to FM 689 Right-of-Yay Fund, On motion by Com- mieaioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner atone, the Court unanimously approved that the Covnty Clerk sad Treasurer be and are hereby anthoriaed to transfer the above aoc Dante on th re epeotivs books. COURT RECONVENED on August Myth, 1962 at 9s30 A. M„ with all ofricera present, excepting COURT RECESSED until 9130 A. M, on August ll~.th, 1962. C oiaaisaioner Powell, and the Court having duly opened, the following prooee dingo were had tows o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9236 ORIER APPROVING QUARTERLY REPORT OF COUNTY TREASURER, On this the Myth day of August, 1962 Sa Regular monthly ae ^aion of Commieaioners~ Court Demo oa for eaaminat ion the quarterly report of E. M. MoDonald, Treasurer of said Court, for the period beginning May let, 1962 and ending July 31st, 1962, and the same having been exam ed and oompared by the Court and found oorrec t. And it appearing to the Court that during t: said time the Tre nearer has received for account and ore dit sad paid out oP eaoh said Panda refleotad in the report and becomes a part thereof; and that said amou nta reoelvad and paid out of the reapeotive Panda, nines the filing of the preceding report and during the period above state d, are correct as therein shown. IT IS TE~iEPORE ORDERED by the Court, that the acid detailed report be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court is hereby Ordered to file same in the record b er pm vided for the Hinute^ of County Finanoes, and that proper credits bs made in the of paid County Treasurer in soaordance with this Order. o-o-o-o-o-® N0. 9237 APPROVAL OF QUARTERLY REP~2T OF COIINTY FINANCES AND TABULAR STATEMENT aF COIINTY CLSR% OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXPENDITURES AND 1D3CEIPTS OF RERR COUNTY Thin the Myth day of August, 1962 Dame oa to bs ezamitud by the Court the quarterly report and tabular statement of E~mnie M. Muenker, County Clerk, nova ring the Sadebtednesa, ezpeadi= ~ tares and receipts of Kerr County for the quarter beginning May let, 1962 and ending July 31st 1962, and the eamo having been compared and examined by the Court and found aorrsot. On motion duly made by Commissioner Hertel end eeoonded by Commissioner 3ohxethe7m, said report wan unanimously approved by the Court and ordered filed for future refers nos and subsea to audit. o-o-o=o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9238 TAX ASSESSCBi~S 3IIPPLEMENT ASSESSMENT ROLL EXAMINED AND APPROVED On this the Myth day of August 1962. name on to be examined by the Court the Supplemental Tea Roll arse seed by Juanita Reeves, Tax Aesesaor-Colleotor for the period ending June 30th, 1962, and the same having been found oorrect. Motion duly made by Commissioner Bartel, aeconc ed by Commi seioner Stone sad unanimously approved by the Court that said Tax Assessor-Collec tc should be oharged with the taxes as shown thereon. o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9239 ERROR IN ASSESSMENT OF TAX k CANCELLATION Oa this the ll;bh day of Augu et, 1962 Dame on to bs examined by the Court Cert ilia ate of Canaell at ion No. 21194, presented to the Court by Juanita Reeves, Tax Assessor-Collector of Kerr County, and it appearing to the Court that said aertifionte should bs granted and elgned ~ by the County Judge, on motion by Cammisaionsr Sahwthelm and aeaondad by Cormieaioner Bartel. Motion otamis d, o-o-o-o-o-o