contrsot labor and It sppearing to the Court after inepeotiag all fencing done, that Bald f~ ing has been properly completed within the toleranoea of agreed epeoifioations and/or to ao~ able to Sndivldusl landowners involved, St is Ordered that all such fencing be accepbsd and that final payment be made on the following basis: Contraot Fencing 0 $T00. 00 per mile or $0.1325 per foot, total of 21,887 Peet $2899.93 Le sa: 206 Peet deleted 2 0 Leas: 310 feet 50~ complete _ X2852.09 Contraot Fencing CAS $800.00 per mile or $0.1516 per foot, total 1463 feet 279 Total 8866 Le ea partial payments ae per Order No, 1968 X29, 88 Plus 10 extra gates ~ $25.00 each 2 0.00 Balance due on contract Labor for oonatruoting Special High Fencing $1725,00 Lees: Partial payments ae per Order No. 9168 1296.2 Bal anae due 428.75 It is therefore Ordered oa motion b9 Sohwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unan- Sously approved by the Court that the fencing constructed by L. G. Laokey pursuant to cont rant eocepted ae per Order No. 9155 and additional apeoial fencing oonatruoted by oontraot labor be accepted ae completed and that the Clerk and the Treasurer be authorised to draw a voucher in the amount of X1322,75 on the FM 689 ROW Fund payable to L. G. Laokey in final payment of the above designated fencing, provided however, that those claims of L. G. Laokey for oertain extri work not included in the provisions of his aontraot shall be aub~eot to payment upon presenta- tion and approval by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9?S 2 OFFER TO FEIA:RAL AVIATION AGENCY FOR USE OF LAND AT CITY-COUNTY AIRPORT On this tho 31st day oP AuguaL, 1962 oameon to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of aurveye made by the Federal Aviation Agency as to t ha feasab pity of establishing a Flight Servioe Station and VOR Radio fao it Sty at the Kerrville Munio ipel Airport; and it apps ing to the Court that the boat ion of such fao it it Se^ at the said airport would be a materill aeaet to the flying public and to Kerr County, it Se ordered oa motion by Commissioner Schxeth~ elm, aeoonded by Co:mnias ioner Bartel and unanimously apprond by the Court that Kerr County, ae point owner with the City of Kerrville of the Munio ipal Airport property, go oa record sa offering to the Federal Aviation Agenoy, ae. ageaoy of tYu IInited States Government, the use of 1, neoeseary lead to oo natruot a Flight Servioe Station and/or VOR Aadio Fsaility at the Kerry ills Munio Spal Airport, such land, together xith water from airport water xella, to be made availabl to the Fe derel Aviation Agenoy at no oost to the said agenoy, and it is further ordered that a oertified copy of this order be forwarded to the Fort Borth, Texas offioe of the Federal Avia- tion Agenay, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9253 AMENDID PLAT OF OAK HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF KERRVILLE APPROYED On this the 31st day of August, 1962 oame on to be considered by the Court the matter of accepting the Amended Plat of Oak Heights Addition to the City of Kerrville, and the same to admitted of record is the PLAT RECORDS of Karr County by the County Clerk. It ie Ordered oa by Commies ioner Stone, duly aeoonded by Commie stoner Hertel and unanimously approved by the Court that the above mentioned plat be Approved and filed xith the County Clerk.(Vol 2,pg o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9254 FINAL PAYMENT TO MRS LULA GATZ FOR NURSING CARE OF CLARA F. HOSKINS Oa motion by Commissioner Stone, aeoonded by Commlaeloner Schwethelm the Court uaenlmous: approved that payment for nursing oars to Mrs. Clara F, Hoakina be terminated ee oT September 13th, 1962 and that the Clerk and Treasurer be authorised to drax a voucher on General Fund Sn the amount of $25.00 for pro-rata payment for services rendered from August let to August 13th, 1962. o-o-o-o.o-o-o-o N0. 9255 APPROVAL OF MAINTENANCE CONTRACT ON IlgT?T7EYEWRITER FOR COIINTY CLERK On this the 31st day of August. 1962 Lhe following maintenance co ntraot vas approved bg the Court ec!'C,er motion'btSng duly made and aeoonded by Commissions re Sohwethelm and Bartel; :MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EGNZPME~f TO BE COVERED HY THIS MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Effective from 9/1/62 to9/1/63 Type or Serial No oS Annual Protated Model Insp. Amount Amount 7~S 43554e4 3 $4z.oo - PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Regularly ache dulad inepeationa maintain peak parformanoe of your IBM equipment and mini- mise repair interruptions. CLEANING Your eqi ipment is kept clean and attraotive by tested teohniquva and apeoially designed toole,esaential lubrioat ion after oleaning Se with IBM presoribed lubrloant a. PLANNED PARTS. REPLACEMENT Parts are oheoked for wear and are replaoad without oharge ezaept time equipment parts. Batteries for portable exeoutary unit a, eleatrio typewriter platen, and motors for eleatrio typewriter mo Bela O1 through 101, worn typeheada are replaoad on as exchange basis only. SERVICE CALLS Service Ss without oharge during IBM's normal business hours if within a 15 mile red SUa from IHM!s nearest servlae oenter. ONE INVOICE One annual invoioa reduoea pour administrative expense. IBM MEANS SERVICE IBM ouetomer engineers are faatoxy trained to aervioe IBM equipment. Their prime ob]eat- ive ie translating sound teohnio al knoxledge into px+ompt aourte oua attention to your equipment needs. Travel expenses beyond a 15-mile radius from IBM's nearest aerv ioe center are ahargad to the ouetomer After business hours, and on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, travel and labor time are charged at eatabliahed hourly rate •. This agreems at dose not oover servioa and parts re quirad by aooi dent, negligenoe or mis- use. Speoifioat ion ohangs a, alterations or att aahmenta may require a ohange in maintenanos oharge. If any machine(s) in regularly used by more than one shift of personnel, the above malnte anoe ohargea x111 be inoreaeed by 50 peroent for eaoh additlonal ahlft regularly using the maohins(s) If portable dictating maohines ere not available at the looation indiaeted on this agree- ment at the t1me.IBM~s representative oalln to make a regularly eoheduled inepeotion, the Sa- speation will be performed upon oustomers request. Tku agreement dose not oover wraloe neoaesitated by ma111uiotion of parts or attachments oP non-IBM manufaoture. ' Nhen, in IBM'S op iaion, a shop reoondit ioaing 1e neoeseary beoauss normal repair and part replsoement cannot keep the machine(s) Sn satiafaotory oondition, IBM will submit a coat esti- mate. Suoh xork, if authorized by the ouetomer, will be addition to the maintenanas charge. This agreement will be automatio ally renewed for su coeas ive one year periods.. Either party may oanoel on 30 days xr itten notlas. IBM will render Lnit ial billing in advanoe upon reoeipt of a signed copy of this agreemen ACCEPTED ffi' CUSTOMERS. AUTHORIZATION INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION Berr Countq Clerk 503 South Main Street Courthouse, ISerrville, Tezas Sea Antonio, Tezas /a/Jul iua R. Neunhoffer,County Budge o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9256 CLAIM OF C. H. ALLISON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY APPROVED On Chia the 31 at day of August, 1962 came on to be easmined by the Court the claim of C. H. Allison Construotion Co., for paving of Entomology Station Road, in the amount of X1403.81}. Motion duly made by Commies inner Sohwethelm.and seconded by Commissioner Bartel, that said claim be approved for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer, out of Road & Bridge 6en1 ~, oarried, o-o-o-o-o-o-o