oonseoutive xeska in the ofTia ial mexepaper of %o1T County, as required by lax. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9282 READING AND APPROVAL CF MINIITE.4. This the 8th day of Ootobsr, 1962 the Court unanimously approved the reading of the Minute of Commi ealoners~ Court of Aerr County, Texas, from page 566 thru 572, oa motion duly made by Commiealoner Bartel sad eeoondsd by Commissioner Sohxethelm. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9283 TRANSFER OF =2$00.00 FROM GENERAL TO OFFICEA3 SALARY FUND On this She 8th day of Ootober, 1962 after mot ioa 'dilly made and ssoonded by Commise ioner^ Hertel and Sohxethelm, the Court unanimously approved that the sum of $2500.00 be transferred from Ooneral to Offioere Balary Fund and that the Clerk and Treasurer bs direoted to make the above transfer on their reoorda. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 928q APPORTIONMENT OF X5000, 00 FROM ROAD & BRIDGE FOND 'Phis the 8th day of Ootobsr, 1962 after motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commie- aioner Snhxethelm and approved by tlv Court, that the County Clerk and Tretsurer be, and are hereby direoted to apportion the Polloxing amounts out of Road k ffi~i dgs Fund to the following Commiasioners~ Praoinote as follows: Road k Bridge No, 1 $1700,00 Road k Bridge No, 2 900;00 Road & Bridge No. j 800.00 Road k Bridge No. 1} 1600.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o CODRT-.ADJODHNED at 4s30 o~oloak on Ootober 8, 1962 o-o-o-o-o-o-o in the Distriot Court Room COIIRT CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSION on October 26th, 1962 at 9200 orolock a.m.,/with Judge Sul ins R. Neunhoffer and Comsiseionera Sohxsthelm, Bartel and Stone present, for the purpose of hearing the petition filed on September 7~.th, 1962 for the great ioa of Kerr County Water Control & Improvems nt Ntietriot No. 1, pursuant to notice Leaued u of same date. Following ie the letter from the lax firm of Oibson, Spenos h GSbaoa of Austin, Texas dated Oa tober 23: 19621 Law Offices GI ffiON, 3PENCS k GIBBON Capital National Bank Bldg Austin 1~.Taxae Roa. Julius Neunho£fer County Judge, Kerr Couaty Kerrville, Texas Dear Judge NeunhoPfer: Ootobar 23r 1962 Inaseeach ae St apps are that aonaiderabla opposition has developed amongst the property ~~~., owners xlthia the proposed Kerr Couaty Water Control and Improvamoat DSatrlot No. 1, the aom- mittee representing the petitioners has deoided that a hearing oa the matter might well result is some controversies arising at Lhe hearing that would not be in the inters at of the oommunif. For that reason, the committee has iastruated me to request the Commise ionera Court to deny th ~,, petition at the hearing set Por Friday, October 26th, as the petit sonars do not feel that the ~I distrlot could be suooess 11:1 even if created in the faoe of the opposition that appears to hav developed. ~~ We Ehere tore formally raque et the Commiaeio nets Court to deny the petition which ve filed with you on September 21y, 1962, or to take euoh other nation as the Court deems expo dlent. Ws .I will not be present aL the hearing 1n support of the petition. ~ Thanking you for your courtesiae'dn the matter, xs are ~ JPG;E08 /s/ Gibaon`e3nenoaly616eon