5( N0. 9285 ORDER IIOIYING PETITION TO GREATS KERR COUNTY VATRR CONTROL k IMPROVEMENT DIET. N0.1 On thi• the 26th day of Ootbbeb~., 1962, the Comaiaeionarsi Court of berr County having eonvsned la 3peeial Rsrm, pursuant to an order entered by the County Judge of Kart' County as 1 reoorded Sn Vol. L, p.p. 569-571 of the Minutes of thi^ Court, the Court took under ad~isoment the Petition to ore eta Karr Covnty Voter Control and Iaprovetaent Distriot No. 1, sad it appear iag to Lhe Court that by letter dated October 23. 1962, and this dat• read into the Minute^ of thi Court the law firm of Gibson, Speaa• and Gibson of Austin, Reass, attorney for the committee rpre seating the pstitiona rs, has rsqueated that its petition be denis d, and it further appea iag that there h-v~ been filed with this Court petitions opposing the creatlon of the dlstriot bearing the ^ignaturss of more than 180 inters eted property oxners, Sncluding those of at leas 15 pe raoaa xho signed the original petition for the creatlon of the said diatriot, and it fur- thers appearing that numerous letters of prote at have also been race Sued by the Court, and it further appearing to Lhe Court after ooneideratloa of all pertinent faatora that She organiza- tion of the proposed dietriot is not leasable, practinabls or la the furtherance oP the public welfare, and that no sasful purpose would bs nerved by coaduoting further hearings on the said petition; _. It Ss ORIN;AED on motion by Comnisaioner Stone, seconded by Cwmtleaioner Schwethelm, and uaanimovaly approved by the Court that the Petition to Create Kerr Covnty Water Control and Improvement Diatriot No. 1 as heretofore filed on the 21Eth day of September, 1962, be is all matters denied pursuant to authority contained 1a Artio le 7080-19, Vatmoa'e Teaea Civil Stat o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o ,- N0. 9287 ORDER SETTING NOVEMBER 10, 1962 AS HOLIDAY On thin the 26th .day of October,. 1962 oame oa to be oonaidered by the Court the netting of a legal holiday for Vsterann Day, whioh Palls oa Sunday, November 10th. On motion by Com- aieaioner Stone, eeooadsd b7 Commissioner Sohwatkulm, the Court unanimously approved that Saturday, November 10th be deolared a Court House holiday la obaervano• of Veteran's Day. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9286 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 26th day of October, 1962 oame oa to be azamined by the Court the following claims sad aocounts against Kerr County, which olaima and aocovnt^ wore approved for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer ehoxn is Aocovnta Allowed Minutes and made apart of this Order: Peterson Garage 8 Auto Co., in the amount of X336.00 sad R. N. Nelah, in the amount of ;308.00 for oedar poets, -oa. 27-71 ~RLghtr Df.:Vay, out of FM 689 R/V Fuad V. S. Vlassk, in the amount of =192.00 for mowing Court House lawn, out of General Fuad, 5 olalms in the amount of =10.00 eaoh for antra road work, out of Prsoinat No. 3 Fund. Motion made and asooadsd by Co~mai ea Sonars Sahwethelm and Bartel. Motion carried. N0. 9288 APPOINP MSNT OF HLECTION JUDGE FOR PRECINCT 13 On this the 26th day of Ootobsr, 1962 oame oa to bs oonaidered by the Court the ryattsr of appointing an Eleotion Judge In Preainot 13, where there appears to be a vanaaoy, oreated by the resignation of V. J. Franke. It appearing to the Court that Mrs. J. •. Oswalt is duly qualified sad should bs appointed to Pill this vaagnoy in Preoinot 13. Therefore, oa motion by Coa¢ei saioner S'ohwethelm, duly seconded Dy Commissioner Harts 1, the Court uaanlmoualy ap- prowl said appointment, o-o-o-o-o-o-o