c5 N0. 9285 OADER DENYING PETITION PO CREATE NERR COUNTY WATSR CODiTROL do IMPROVEMENT DI3T. N0.1 Oa this the 2bth day of Octobeb~,, 1%2, the Comsias Soaers' Court of Kerr County having ooavened Sn Speeial Term, pursuant to an order entered by the County Judge of Kerr County as L _ reoorded Sn Vol. L, p.p. 569-571 of the Mlnutss of this Court, the Court took under advisemeab the Petition to Drente Kerr County Water Control and Improvement Distriot No. 1, and it appear Court that b7 letter dated Ootober 23, 1962, and this date read into the Miauta^ of Court the lar firm of Gibson, Spence and Oibeon of Austin, Texas, attorney Por the committee reprsaeatiag the petitions rs, has requested that its petition be dsais d, and it' further appea ing that there have been filed rich this Court petitions opposing the creation of the diatriot bearing the •ignaturss of more than 180 Sntsre ated property urns re, Saoludiag those of at leas 15 peraoaa who signed the original petltioa for the creatlon of the said diatriaL, and it fur- ther appearing that numerous letters of prote et have also been received by the Court, sad Lt further appearing to She Court after ooneideratioa of all pertinent feature that the organisa- tion of the proposed diatriot is not leasable, practinable or Sn the furtherance of the publio relfare, and that no aas11i1 purpose rould bs nerved by coaduoting further hearings on the said petltion; _ It Ss ORDEAED on motion by Commiaeloner Stone, seconded by Ceamieaioner Sohrethelm, sad vnanintously approved by the Court that the Petition to Create Kerr County Vatsr Control and ImprovemeaL Dietriot No. 1 as heretofore filed on the 24th day of September, 1% 2, ba is all matters. denied pursuant to authority ooatained Sa Artiole 7880-19, Veraoa'e 2ezas Civil Stat~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o ._- N0. 9287 ORDER SETTING NOVEMBER 10, 1962 AS HOLIDAY On thin the 26th .day of Ootober,. 1962 Dame on to bs oonsiderad by the Court the setting N0. 9296 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 26th day of October, 1962 same on to be ezamined by the Court the following claims and accounts against Kerr County, rhioh claims and aacouat• rare approved Por payment by the Clerk and Treasurer ahotm Sn Aac ovnt^ Allured Minutes and made a put of this Order: Peterson Garage 8 Auto Co., in the amount of ;336.00 and R. N. Neloh, Sn the amount of X308.00 for oedar poets, ~.oa: 27-71.RLght-of-Wy, out of FM 689 R/if Fund W. S. Vlnesk, is the amount of :192.00 for moving Court House larn, out of General Fund, 5 olaims Sa the amount of 110.00 each Sor extra road rork, out of Preoinat No. 3 Fund. Motion made sad aeoondsd by Commiaeionera Sohwthelm and Bartel. Motion carried. of a legal holiday Tor Vetarana Dny, which falls on Sunday, November 10th. Oa motion by Cur aisaionsr Stuns, seooadsd by Commiasioasr Sohrethelm, the Court unanimously approved that Saturday, November 10th be declared a Court House holiday is observanoe of Veteran's Day. o-o-o-o-o-o-o NO. 9288 APPOINP MEN? OF ELECTION JUDGE FOR PRECINCT 13 Oa this the 26th day of Ootobsr, 1962 Dame on to bs oonsiderad by the Court the ryattar of appointing an Eleot ion Judge Sa PrsoinoL 13, rher there appears to be a vananoy, oreated by the raalgnat ion of W. J. Franks. Zt appearing to the Court that Mrs. J. •. Oaralt Se duly qualified and should be appointed to fill this vaaanoy In Preolnot 13. Therefore, on motion by Commies inner Sohrethelm, duly seconded by Commissioner Babte 1, the Court unanimously ap- proved acid appointment. r^ o-o-o-o-o-o-o