TRENCE East to the weaternmo at Northwest corner of Survey No. 1645, R.E. k W.T. R. R,Co.; THENCfi South with the Weat line of said Survey No. 1645, to the point oP Sts interaeotion with the Sovth line of Kerr County and the North line of Bandera County; o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9320 RESIGNATION OF MILTON H. WENIEL, TAX OFFICE DEPUTY On this the 10th day of Deoembe r, 1962 same on to be heard and oonai dared by the Court the reaignat ion of Milton H. Wendel, Deputy Tax Collector, effective December let, 1962. The said reeignat ion xae accepted sa aubmitte d, oa motion by Commissioner Bartel and duly seconded by Commisa loner Schwathelm. Motion carried, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9321 PAYMENT OF REGULAR SALARIES OF OFFICIALS, EMPLOYEES & ALLOWANCES ON DECEMBER 21st On this the 10th day of December, 1962 after motion by Commissioner Bartel, and. seconded f by Commissioner 3ohxathelm, the Court unanimously approved that the Clerk and Treasurer be, and ars hereby authorized to dat• all Daoember 1961 vouohers for salaries and allowance a, ae of December 21st, 1962 and to deliver same on this date. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 9322 APPROVAL OF ANNUAL PAYMENT TO SID PETERSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On this the 10th day oP December, 1962 came on to be heard and oonaide red by the Court he matter of payment and contribution to the Sid Peterson Memorial Roapit al, for the care oP ndigent patients for the year 1962, in the sum of $2000.00. Motion carried by a majority vo ith Commissioners Bartel and Stone voting AYH and Commissioner Sohwathelm abet alning, that t ounty Clerk and Tre aeurer be directed to Ssaus a voucher out of General Fund, in the sum of 2000,00, for the care of indigent patients. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 9323 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thle the 10th day of December 1962, after motion by Commissioner Hertel, duly seconded by ii asioner Schwathelm, the Court unaraimoualy approved the Minutes of Commiasio War's Court ~ County, Texea, from page 584 to 590 inc luaive. o-o-o-o-o-o-o 9324 APPORTIONMENT OF $5000.00 FROM ROAD @ BRIDGE FUND This the 10th day of December, 1962 after motion by Commies ioner Stone, seconded by Com- aioner Schwathelm and approved by the Court, that the County Clerk and Treasurer be, and ar eby authorized to apportion the following amounts out of Road & Bridge Fund to the followin mleslonera~ Preoinata ae follows: Road & Bridge Prec. //1 $1700,00 Road 8 Bridge Preo, iV2 850.00 Road k Hridge Prec. # 850.00 Road & Bridgs Preo. #~ 1600,00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 932$ NOTICE BY PUBLICATION OF PROPOSED SALARY INCREASE aF JIISTICE OF THE PEACE N0. 5 On this the 10th day of December 1962, the Court di d. take under ,adv ieement the matter Of increasing the salary of 7vat ice of the Peace Precinct No, 5, Aleo of directing publioat ioa by Commissio sr~a Court for ealAryinarears of..$140.00, namely from $360.00 to {500.00 per annum for the ye 96a. Motion oarr iad by a majority vote, xlth Commiaeionere Stoaa and Bartel voting AYE and ommisaioner Schwathelm voting N0, that said salary be set at Regular January 1963 term of Cou o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED at 2d45,.P, 21, en Desember 10th, 1962 o-o-o-o-o-o-o