3, 3,183 acres out of A, G, Morriss Survey 1110, Abst, 1625 and E, L, and R, R, R. R. Co, Survey 1109 Abst 521 to Jane Schreiner Carruth Flato, Mae Louise Schreiner Carruth and the Trustees of the Estate of E. B, Carruth, Jr „ Deceased, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9477 ORDER DECLARING PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOin1ED BY COMMISSIONERS COURT IN ESTABLISHING LAND VALUES AND IN SETTIPIG COMPENSATION F'OR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR F, M, ROAD 2771, On this the Bth day of July, 1963, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of establishing procedures to be followed by the Court in the matter of establishing land values and in setting compensation to be paid individual property owners for necessary Right-of-Way for F, M, Road 2771, and it appearing to the Court that the County Judge seeks to disqualify himself from participating in these matters due to his being related within the third degree to a number of the landowners involved, it is orderod on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and approved by a unanimous vote of the County Commis- sioners, with the County Judge not participating herein, that the County Judge be excused from participation in decisions of the Court in the matter of establishing basic land values to be employed in right-of-way procurement for F,M. Road 2771 and that he further be excused from participation in the matter of fixing compensation to be paid individual property owners, except when his rarticipation is requested by the County Commissioners in such instances where he is not related within the third degree to the owners of the individual properties under consideration. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9!178 ORDER AUTHORIZING APPOINTP'fENT OF MARJORY J. NICHOLS AS FCTLL TIME DEPUTY CLERK This the 8th day of July, 1963, came on to be considered by the Court the application of Emmie M, Muenker, County Clerk, for authority to appoint and deputize Marjory J, Nichols as Deputy County Clerk, and it appearing to the Court that said officer is entitled to said deputy and that the application should be approved; therefore on motion by Commissioner Stone, second- ed by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved that said officer be authorized to deputize Marjory J. Nichols as full time employee, at a salary of X21100,00 per annum, effective August 1, 1963. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9479 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES This the 8th day of July, 1963, upon motion of Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commis- stoner Witt, the Court unanimously approved the Minutes of Commissioners Court of Kerr County, Texas, from pages 52 thru 56, Volume M, o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9480 RESIGNATION OF WAN DA LIGON AS DEPUTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR ACCEPTED This the 8th day of July, 1963, upon motion of Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously approved that the resignation of Wanda Ligon as Deputy Tax Assessor-Collector be accepted, o-c-o-c-o-o-o-c-c-o-o-c-o N0. 9481 TRA*fSF'ER OF X10,000.00 FROM GENERAL FUND TO OFFICERS SALARX FUND This the 8th day of July 1963, upon motion aŁ Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, a.nd unanimously approved by the Ccurt, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to transfer the sum of X10,000.00 from the General Fund to the Officers Salary Fund, o-c-o-c-o-c-o-o-c-o-c-c-o