~9 *'.hat such roaf:way is presently cutsicic^ of the corporate limits of the City of Kerrville, though serv.n~~ as the sole connectin:; lines between these areas and that this roadway has 'peen constructed and raced by Kerr County at no costs to the municipality and it further arpearing that the traffic flew anc9 topographical features of the roadway now require an effective program of traffic c~ntrnl wT:ich the municipality could provide, cut whicr ;.err County cannot Effectively ,rovide, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner P~artel, secsndefi by Commissioner [^Titt and unanimG~.;sly ac proved by the Curt that the City cf r.errville be requested to annex into its corporate Limi.t,s ':he public roadway known as Hilltop Village Rcad, running from the present corporate limits of the HilltGp Village iroperty in an easterly c?irect~on to a mint of ini:ersection wit'-i the west line of the Harper Road, this request being made for the reasons above set ford:, and i.t is further nrderec', that the Clerk of this Court rrerare a certif'i.ed copy of this order for transmittal. to the City of Kerrville. n-n-o-c-c-o-c-o-c-n-o CO[cP.T ADJOTiRN_;D September 27, 1963 at 1:': 'C o+cloc'a P.:~T. o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-c-c-G C,npRT CONVErTED iN SF'^,CIAT, SFSSIGN September 30, 1963 at 10: CC G'clock P.,N?, with the following officers present: ,?ulius R, Neunhoffer 'rl, C, Schwethelm }'rentlCe L`Titt Adolph Bartel Ro?er 1;, Stone Ccunty Judge Ccmmissi.cner Commissioner Commissioner CommissicnF',r Precinct 1 Precinct ?_ ]'reC l.nCt 3 ire.cinct 1} and the following orders were passed: ^`C. 4565 QRD~R AIPRGVIPIG ~"P._°hOY~"r;N?' CP MARCtARL':T :TILL, P, ,L, AS CCT3?~ITY tSEP_'~TN NURSE F'GR i~:RR c c,1TNTrY On this the 3Cth day of September 1963, upon motion made by Commissioner Store, seconded b.,* Commissioner Bartel, with Commissi.Gners Stone and Fjartel voting "AY~:" and Com^!issioners Schwethelm and Witt voting "Nfl" and County Judge rleunhoffer voting "AY'':", said motion carrying b7 a maiority vote, that i~?argaret Hill, R.P:., be employed as Ccunty Health nurse for Kerr County, Texas, sail ernrlGyment tG become effective October 1, 1963. o-c-o-o-c-o-c-c-o-c 4TC, 9566 ORD~'R A: PROVSNfr SAL,1'.R`! GF COUNTY IiEALTH NIIRSi, °~iARCARET HILL On this the 3Gth day of September 1963, anon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone, it was unanimously approved. by the Court that the salary of Ccunty T;ealth Nurse, Margaret Hill, be set at i'3300,OC per annum, plus ~:9CO,C0 per annum for travel, pad*a'~7.e mont'ray out of the General Fund. o-c-c-c-o-c-G-o-o-o-n, NC, 956? GR ;F;R AT?TH!~RI7ING A'.'POIN`I';~4r.NT OF CIIAP,LIF LrF AS DEUTY SiIrRIFF On this the 30th day of September 1963, came on to be considered by the Court the applica- tion of Oliver P~GOre, Sheri.Y'f, for authority to arpoint and deputize Charlie Lee as Deputy Sheriff, and it anrearinr~ tG the Court that said officer is entitle: to said Deputy ar,c that the arplication shoal:? be a?'provel; therefore anon motior. made by Commissioner Store, seconded by ComTMissicner `.°Titt, the Court +anani^ously ac proved }hat said officer be aut'_~ori~ed to deputize Charlie Lee as Deputy Sheriff of Kerr County, Texas. O-G-G-G-r,-c`,-G-Ci-O-O-G C' i?RT_ ADJ^?'RPrD ~.eptember 3C, 1963 at 2: C.0 c;+clc,clc P.r°.. O-G-O-O-G-G-C-G-O-G-C