application of Mre. E. M. McDohald, County Treasurer for authority to deputize Agnae Mao Donald ae Deputy. It appearing to the Court that a need exiate for said Deputy and that her rpplioa- tioa should be approved. On motion by Cormniseioner Stone, secon dad by Commissioner Sohwethelm the Court unanimously approved that Agnes MeaDonald be appointed Deputy to the County Treaeure~ from January let, 1963. and cont Snue in force until revoked or otherxiae be terminated. o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9338 APPROVAL OF DEPUTY BONUS FOR COUNTY CLERR On this the let day oP January 1963. after motion by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Sohxathe lm, the Court approved Lhe Public employees Faith11:1 Performance Blanket Position Bond, cover i:g the Deputies Ln the County Clsrk~a office, is the amount of $2$00.00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT AIIJOURS&D nt 10:4$ o~olook A, M, on January let, 1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT CORVERED ZN SPECIAL 9ESS ION on Jaxruary 1Fth, 1963 at 1Ot 00 o~olock A.M., with all officers present, and the Court having duly opened, the Polloxing Order xaa pease d: o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9339 APPROVAL OF SPECIAL POLL TAX DEPUTIES FOR PAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR On this the 4th day of January, 1963 came on to be presented to the Court the appllcat ion oP Jven its Reeves, Tax Aseeasor-Collector of Kerr Covnty, Texas to appoint deputise to aaslat in Leauing poll tax reoeipta throughout Rerr County, and it appearing to the Court that said deputies are xilling to perform such dat iea without any coat to the County, and that said of- ficer should be allowed to make appointments and that this Court x111 enter a aonf irmatioa for same. On motion by Commissioner Stone, aeeonded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously approved the foloxing named persona ae special poll taz deputies: Richard Folger Robert J. Paoharz inn Winkis Murray Jaak Furman Tack Seifert Paul Hoover Hoxard Wilson Jr Sam Hurrah ' E1 doe Lesdy Robert Holme^ Herman 6adaoke Taak Neleoa o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 11:4$ o~alock A, M. on January, 1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o COUR? CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSION oa January 7th, 1963 nt et 4$ P. M., xlth all offiaern pre seat excepting Coffiaieeionar Stone, and the Court having duly opened, the folloxing preoeed- iaga rer~ had, to-vit: II o-o-o-o-o-o-o 0. 9340 AUTHORIZING COIINTY JUDOE TO EXECUTE REVISED LEA38 WITH MOONEY AIRCRAFT, INC. Om this the 7th day of January, on motion by Commissioner Bartel and seconded by Commie- ioner Sahvethelm, Lhe Court unanimously approved that the County Judge of Kerr County bs auth- rizsd and diraated Lo easouts the submitted draft of the revised lease between Kerr County ad the City of Kerrville, Laaaora, and Mooney A3lroraft Iao „ Leaeee, upon aoaaurreno• of the Lty of Kerrville. ~ And it is further Ordered that upon eaeoution thereof, the Clerk oP this curt shall attest thereto sad said lease shall be recorded is the Minutes of this Court, Por nture~refsrenoe.. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 9i1$ P. M. on January 7th,1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o