application of Mrs. fi, H. MaDohald, County 2reaeurer for authority to deputize Agnes MaoDonald as Deputy. It appearing to the Court that a need eziete for said Deputy and that her spplica- tion should be approved. On motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commiealoner Sob the Court unanimously approved that Agnae Maalbnald be appointed Deputy to the County T from January let, 1963, and continue is force until revoked or otherwise be terminated, o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9338 APPROVAL OF DEPUTY BOND3 FOR COUNTY CLERK On this the 1st day of January 1963, after motion by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Sohvethelm, the Court approved the Publio Employees Faithful Perforatanoe Blanket Position Bond, ooveritg the Deput Ses is the County Clsrk~s offioe, in the amount oP $2$00.00. o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT 6DJOURBfiD nt 10:45 o~oloak A. M, on January let, 1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o CODRT CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSION on Jam:ary 4th, 1963 at 10:00 0~olook A. M., with all fflcers pre Bent, and the Court having duly opened, the following Order vas passed: o-o-o-o-o-o-o 9339 APPROVAL OF SPECIAL POLL TAX DEPUTIES FOR TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR On this She 4th day of January, 1963 came on to be presented to the Court the of Juanita Reeves, Taa Assessor-Collector of Kerr County, Tema to appoint deputise to assist in Seauing poll tax raoaipte throughout Rerr County, sad it appearing to the Court that said deputies are willing to perform such dilties without nay oost to the County, sad that said of- finer should be allowed Lo make appo intmeate and that this Court will enter a confirmation for same. Oa motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously the foloxing named persona ae apocisl poll tax deputise: Richard Folger Winkle Murray Tack Ss Sfert Howard Wilson Jr Eldon Lesdy Herman Oadsoke Robert J. Paoharz Ina Jaak Furman Paul Hoover Sam Murrah Robert Rolmes Jack Nelson o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 11:45 o~clock A. M, on January 4th, 1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT CONVENED IN SPECIAL SESSION on January 7th, 1963 at Bs 45 P. M., with all offioers Ipreaeat ezoeptiag Commissioner Stone, and the Court having duly opened, the fo11ov1gg preo ee d- ~.., Lngs were Lad, to-wit: o-o-o-o-o-o-o '~. N0. 9340 AUTHORIZING COUNTY JUDGE TO EXECUTE REVISED LEASE WITH MOONEY AIRCRAFT, INC. Om this the 7th dny of January, on motion by Commissioner Bartel and seconded by Commis- sioner Sahvathelm, the Court vnanimou sly approved that the County Judge of Kerr County bs auth- orized and directed to ezsoute the subaitted draft of the revised lease between Kerr County and the Qity of Kerrville, Lsasore, and Mooney Adroraf't Ino., Leeaee, upon ooaaurreno• of tlv Sty of Kerrville, ~ And iL ie furtTUr Ordered that upon ezeoution there ot, the Clerk oP this ourt shall attest thereto and said lsas• shall be reoorded in the HSautea of this Court, Por ,futura'rafereaos.• o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED at 9:15 P.H. on January 7th,1963 o-o-o-o-o-o-o