OP,Ur'.K N0. 9680 ORDER. ACCEPTING DONATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR STATE HIGHWAY 39 BY CAMP MYSTIC, INC, , AND AGNES D, STACY NEFF, ANNE STACY EAST- LAND AND W, G. STAGY On this the 28th day of February, 1964, came on to be heard and con- sidered by the Court the offer of Camp Mystic, Inc. , to donate 1. 201 acres of land out of Surveys 1357 and 1497 and the offer of Agnes D. Stacy Neff, Anne Stacy Eastland and W. G. Stacy to donate 0.120 acres of land out of Survey 1226, both the said donations of land being io the State of Texas for right-of-way for State Highway No. 39 near the Camp Mystic crossing and it appearing to the Court that the offers to donate the aforesaid right-of-way on thert~ims offered by the donors should be accepted by Kerr County, it is ord4red on motion by Commissioner 4Jitt seconded by Commissioner SChwethelm and unanimous- ly approved by the Court that the offer of Camp Mystic, Inc. , and of Agnes D. Stacy Neff, Anne St acy Eastland and W. G. Stacy to donate the two tracts of right-of-way as aforesaid be accepted by Kerr County acting for and in be- half of the State of Texas, and that for and in consideration of the said dona- tions and for and in consideration of the execution of a Quitclaim Deed by Camp Arlystic., Inc., covering 4.505 acres of abutting right-of-way to be se- cured by Kerr County from Mrs. Willie Ann Griffin, Kerr County will erect new fences along the donors new property lines as abut the right-of-way tracts donated,. 'sPuch fences to be of a quality and standard at least equaling the donors present fences in the individual areas concerned; and it is further agreed that upon the quitclaiming to Kerr County by the State of Texas of those portions of the existing undeeded right-of-way of State Highway No, 39 in the proximity of the present Camp Mystic crossing of the South Fork of the Guadalupe River as are scheduled to be abandoned as a public roadway upon completion of the new roadway and bridge to be constructed on the right-of-way donated herein, Kerr County will execute Quitclaim Deeds to the then record owner or owners of title to such abandoned portions of right- of-way. THi. .`',TATL C>: Tl.:,~_;; ~ COUNT" OF' KE.i. ~ 1, Ll•,I~.IE i,. i,uL;dl:L''i., Clerk of the County Court anc: Ex-officio Clerl. of the Com[_.i:sioners' Court of i:err County, Texas, do hereby certify that the above anc lcre8,oin€; is a true and correct copy ofv.L~. I;t;. 9680 passed by t_he Com[.issioners' Court or. tide 'LBth auy of February, r,. u., 1:'6~t, aS t[lE' uu:~~e %:l~t@aT5 .f r2::0rG aS [ii3riifeSt in tl:e i'_7nLiteS of the Com,r,issioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas. IN T~.S'~IPI~~:i ,a'r.ECF' I have hereunto set my hanc anc sez.l ~i o'fi_ce at. k:err-vilie, Texas on this the i8th coy of February, e~. L. , 1964. Emmie M. I~luenker ~} Cl~~rb: County Court and Ex-ofiicic Clerk Comn.issioners' Court, Kerr County, Texas