~~~ NO. 9692 APPORTIONI~iENT OF $5,000.00 FROM GENEkAL ROAD AND BRIDGE Fti NU On this the 9th day of March 1964, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, and unanimously approved by the Court that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to apportion the sum of $5,000.00 out of the General Road and Bridge Fund to the respective Commissioners' Precincts: Road and Bridge X11 ------- $1,700.00 Road and Bridge ~/2 ------- 850.00 Road and Bridge l~3 ------- 850.00 koad and Bridge ~~4 ------- 1,600.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9693 kEADING AND APPROVAL OF PIidUTES On this the 9th day of March 1964, upon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved the Minutes of Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, from pages 134 thru 141, Volume M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED March 9, 1964 at 12:00 o'clock Noon. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o at 11:10 o~clock A, M, COLiRT RECOPNENED March 13, 1964,/*.aith the following officers present: Julius R, Pleunhoffer 'r7, C, Schwethelm Roger Stone County Judge Commissioner i'recinet 1 Commissioner Precinct 4 and the following order was passed: iTO, 96911 APPROVAL OF CL ATM OF EARL .. STI1JrEL On this the 13th day of March 1964, upon motion made by Commissioner Ston©, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved the claim of Earl E, Stiefel, in the amount of "3,K39,C9 Łor Court House repairs to February 27, 1';61x, and the Clerk and Treasurer be authorized to draw a voucher out of the Permanent Improvement Fund in the amount of F,3,i39.09. o-c-o-o-o-o-c-o-c-o C"URT ADJCURPTED March 13, 1964 at 11:25 o~clock A,M. O-C-O-G-G-O-O-G-G-O C~~IIRT CONVEP?~D IN SPECIAL SESSION March 17, 1964 at 10:40 o~clock A,M „ with the follow- ing officers present: Julius R, Neunhoffer '', C, Schwethelm Rover Stone County