187 -- - __ __ _ - _ 7 -~- o£ Assistant County Attcrne7 of Kerr Count;;, Texas, to so serve at the leave of the !:nder- signed, upon his talon;, the oath recuired by la.w. This 14th day of August, A.D, 1,64, /s/ ROB.TRT R. BART GPI /t/ ROB3RT R. BARTt!N County Attorne-; Kerr County, Texas OATH I, A. P. ALLISOPT, do solemnly swear that I will fathfully discharge and execute the duties of the office of Assistant County Attorney of the State of Texas, and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution and laws of the United States and of this State; and I furthermore solemnl}* swear that I have not directly nor indirectly Laic, offered, or premised to pa~•, contributed, nor promised to contribute any money, or valuable thing, or promised any public cf£ice or employment, as a reward. for the giving or withhGlding a vote at the election at which I was elected. So help T°1e God, /s/ A. F. ALLISCIT /t/ A. z. ALLIS~rt Sraorn to an3 subecribod hsfore me by the said A. F'. ALLISOPd this 17th day of August, A.P. 1964., (Seal) /s/ fi'r'-ff13 T. T~iUrA7Ka:R /t/ I;'';~IIi/ M. nIUr;PTKr:R County C 1e rk Kerr CGUnty, '"exas e-c-r;-o-n-o-e-c-o-c IdO. 9794 GRDER CGT~:F'~;Y?SATING B. i:. :di=,DEPdF:SLD FOK R~.LOCA`PION OF N'hTRANCc~, CA'PTL~~vOAnL AIJiJ ROAD'~vAY L'UT/ TO RELOCATIOTJ OF ?~'. ~i, ROAD 6E9 On this the 11;th day of Au~us+;, 1964. came on to be heard and considered by the Court the claim of 3, T., '.:iPdenfel;l for relocation of his existin; entrance, cattle ,guard, ar,d porticn of `pis en*.rance roadway necessitated by the relocation of F. ~1. Road 669 and it appear- ing to the Court after an inspection cn the „round that said claim is justified, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously apprcved by the Court that the agreement of B. L. 6eieuenfeld to accort the sum of YJI,000.GO as comr.ansa- ticn for relocation of his entrance ar.d cattle guard plus paving the relocated :orticn cf ?-:is entrance road, be acc-pted, aad t at in a?dition Kerr County will provi::e the grading and place base material for the relocated portion cf the entrance roadway, and of is further ordered that the Clerk and the Treasurer be authorized to draw a voucher on the F. :~. 6E9 Right-of-.:ay Fund payable to B. L, ~~iedenfold in settlement of his claim. o-o-o-o-c-n-c-c-o-~;-c T\~. `i79J ~' ~, x s i ROAD AI,D :3RIDGn F'D TvD TG F. ... 6C~9 R/'"' r r BRA -SF~:R GF ~.1 ooG.cc ~R,~~; ~~ F~;r.D On this the 11th day of August 1;64, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Cc:nmissicner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously apprcved that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, ar.d are hereby directed to transfer the sum of w1,000.00 from the Road and Bridge Fund to the F.i~i. 6E~9 R/`a,' `r'un d, O-O-C-C-O-G-G-G-G-O-O-O Ci`URT RECESSED August 1~, 19611 at 11:4.0 o'clock A.M. o-c-c-c-o-o-c-c-o-c-o-o COURT CGN!7~T.~LD IN SFFCIAL SnSS?OTd August 21, 19611 at 10:;%C o'clock A.:~I. with the follow- ing officers present: Julius R. ,Teunhoffer County Judge l4. C, Schwethelm Commissioner recinct 1 Frentice t^itt Commissioner °reci.nct Adolph Bartel C~ rmissooner Irecirct 3 Roger Store Co-nwissionFr :recinct 1}