2~9 I~?0_ 9916 _;~ PROVAL OF CLA7~IS AND ACCOUNTS '~ On this the Pth ~~ay of Febr~,aary ]965, came on t.o be examined by the Court the various claims and acemants against Kerr County and the respective Commissioners recincts since the last term of Crt:rt, which claims and accounts were approved for pa,y:rent by the Cleric and Treasurer, in amounts and out of Road and Bridge Nos, 1, 2, 3 and 4, Genera?_, Officers Salary, County Law Library, F/bi 2(71 R/'r!, Jury and Permanent Improvement Fvnds, as shown in the 'iinutes of Accounts Allo~~ie9 frrm page 8q7 thru Aqq , Voucher Icon, 11709 thru 11829 , wlach ~~:ere :Wade a part hereof and of this order, ~4otion made b,y Co,,,missioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner ;4osty and unanimously ap rov- ed by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9917 "dONTHLY REPOPTS OF CnUR'T? AND FRliCII'TCT OFF'ICliRS OF KERR COLT1uTY A;FROVED On this the 8th day of February 1965, came on to be examined by the Court t?,a varicus report- of January of the County and I'reci.net Officers of Kerr County, Texas and the same having been heard and ecnsi-lered by the C rnzrt, finds that said .reports are true a-.:1 correct .-. and should be aI-pro~red; therefor,, upon motion of Ccmmissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Com^is- sinner Stone, the Court unanimously approved that the submitted reports be accepted and filed with the C rnznty Clerk for future reference and subject to audit, E`?T~II~ !4, '~NEiIK~~;R, County Cleric, collection of fees of office ~'120G,1+0 Er?°',IE ri. "~N3NKER, County Clerk, fines, judgments & jury fees ks 4='3,00 ED HOTTER, District Clerk, judgments £~ jury fees a 36g,g5 Li~OI~T F, 1~7APLES, Sheriff, out of County fees ~ 1g,55 RAYMOl`1D ORR, Justice of the 'mace, Frec,kl, fines P< trial fees , y; 706 00 RA1`MOP?D OfIR, Justice of the Fe ace, Proc, rl, Small Claims ~' , 41i.00 CHARLES J, :;ii~S, Justice of the Peace, Frec, 2, fines & trial fees ~` 1105.00 FRED E, YOIIIQG, Justice of the Peace, Prec. ;;4, fines & trial fees ~' D+'one WIRY 3, sIiGELiAN, Justice of the Peace, "rrec, ;;~5, fines & trial fens `' Yr 105,50 ALBERT ':TLS ON, Public 'vJei~her, public scale receipts Yr 66,50 JiTAIiITA O~CO'?NOR, Homo L~monstration Agennt, report for January 1965 BTrL r1, RECTOR, County Agent, report for January, 1965 FRAY.?2~IN ~`:,EKER, City-County Sanitarian, report for January 1965 "RARGARc.T iIILL, County Health Nurse, report for Januar~a 1965 o-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o T?0. 9918 A='FROVAL OF 1961} AI~TT.UAL RF.FORTS OF COUIITY OF.ICIALS SL'BJ~C'P TO AUDIT , On this the nth day of February, 1965 came on to be examined by the Court, .-. the 1761} P.nnual Fee Reports of the following officers: JULIUS R, ISEiJNHO FER County Judge E'~i~[IE P•1, '~TU'/`?Ffr;R County Clerk ED HONER District Clerk JUANITA REEVES Tax Assessor-Collector I'LRS. E, P5, P~1cDONALD County Treasurer OLIV`SR ~IOORE Sheriff JOSEPH F, LEGNAP.D, JR. District Attorney ROBRT R. BARYON County Attorney RAYMOND ORR Justice o£ the Peace, Frec, iv'o, 1 CHARLES J, BEES Justice of the Peace, Frec. No. 2 FRED E. YOUPI3 Justice of the Peace, Frec, No, 4 (fcr Nov, 8• Dec,) u~;?dRY B. ENGEL'9AII Justice of the Peace, Frec, No. 5 :?IL~~ ?~?, RE'CT'OR, County Agent and ~"iRS, JUAP?ITA B, O~CONf10R, Home Demonstrati on A gent Annual Report - 1964 Annual Statistical Report - 196L~ Annual Narrative ReL~ort - 1?64 It appearing that said reports, in the discretion of the Court, should be approved, subject to audit; therefor©, on motion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commi.s- sinner Stone and unanimously approved b~; the C,,urt that the 1964 Annual Reports be herewith filed with the County Clerk, subject to audit, o-o-o-;-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 9`?19 AFPRt~VAL OF' itESI,rNA'PION Or JE:;RY SP-IITH, L'~itiTE D`STRICT CLt~'RK OF Iir,RR CUL'tdTY, TEXAS On this the 8th day of February 1965, upon motion made by Co:~missioner Schwethelm, second- ed by Commissioner Bartel, it was unanimously approved by the Court that the resignation of 23~ Jerry Smith, Decuty District Clerk, 2nd 3Fth Judicial District Court, Kerr County, Texas, be accepted, effective as of February 5, 1965. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o P10. 9920 APPGI">