v~~ Maintenance Funds, as shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed from page 914 thru 917, - Voucher D1os,l'356 t!:ru 1-24~?~ which were made a part hereof and of this order, Motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm ar.d unanimously approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-c-o-o-c-c-o N0, 9980 MOPTT?3LY REFORTS GF COUNTY AND PRECINCT OF'FICER5 OF KERR COUNTY AFPROVED On this the 10th day of May 1965, came on to be examined by the Court the various reports of April of the County and Preci_net 0£ficers of Kerr County, Texas and the same having been heard and considered by the Court, finds that said reports are true and correct and should be approved; therefore, upon motion of Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Mosty, the Court unanimously approved that; the submitted reports be accepted and filed with the County Clerk for future reference and subiect to audit, E`?"4IE M, Mi7E??KrR, County Clerk, collection of fees of office u1,581.00 EMMIE '~T, TfiJENKF,R, County Clerk, fines, judgments & jury fees 315,00 ED HONEA, District Clerk, judgments & jury fees a 4,II0 Sheriff, out of County fees LEON F, MAPLES 11.50 , RAYMOND ORR, Justice of the Peace, Prec, No, 1, fines & trial fees 71+8,50 .-- RAYMOND ORR, Justice of the Peace, Prec, No, 1, Small Claims 53.00 RAY"4G ND ORR, Justice of the Fe ace, Frec, No, 1, Civil Fees 5,00 CT'ARLES J. REE5, Justice of the Peace, Prec, No, 2, fines & trial fees 287,50 FRED E, YO?JNG, Justice of the Peace, Yrec, No, 4, fines & trial fees 1}6,00 HENRY B, ET?GEL MAN, Justice of the Peace, Prec, No, 5, fines & trial fees 61,00 ALBERT 'rJILS~P?, Fublic 'deigher, Fublic Scale Receipts 60,50 JUAPiITA B. O'CODTP~TCR, Home Demonstration Agent, report for April, 1965 BILL PI, RECTOR, County Agent, report for April, 1965 FR.ANKT~7N ~rJ, ~'L~'EKER, City-County Sanitarian, Report for April, 1965 MARGARET HILL, County Health Nurse, Report for April, 1965 o-o-o-o-o-v-o-o-o-o N0, 9981 CRDER REDTEWING FIRE FIGRTSNG CONTRACT 'n/ITH THE C TTY GF KERRVILLF., TEXAS On this the 10th day of May 1965, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the :natter of providing Rural Firo Protection for Kerr County, and it a^pearing to the Court that the existing Fire Fighting Contract with the City of Kerrville, Texas will expire on May 31, 1965; and it further appearing to the Court that the existing contract and the working arrange- ments agreed upon thereunder are providing satisfactory rural fire protection for the citizens of Kerr County and that it would be to the best interests of Kerr County to renew such contract ^ for a one-year period; It is therefore Ordered on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Mosty and unanimously approved by the Court that the existing Fire Fighting Contract with the City of Kerrville, Texas be renewed for a period of one year commencing on June 1, 1965 and ending on '4ay 31, 1966 as provided for in Part C of the existing contract; said renewal to become effective upon the joinder therein by the City of Kerrville by letter acceptance as provided for by the terms of said Part C, and it is further ordered that the Clerk of t'r:is Court forward a certified copy of this Order to the City of Kerrville, Texas, O-U-G-C-O-G-G-O-O-O N0. 9982 APFOINT'+1ETTT OF CHARr.Tr', L!;F. AS CHIEF' DEPUTY S??ER7FF OF Kr,RR COUNTY, TEXAS Gn thhis the 10th day of [^.ay 1965, came on to be considered by the Court the application of Leon F, Maples, Sheriff, for authority to appoint Charlie Lee as Chief Deputy Sheriff of Kerr County, Texas, ar.d it appearing to the CGUrt that t'le application should be approved; t?-.erefore, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved that said officer be authorized to appoint Charlie Lee as Chief Deputy Sheriff at a salary of ?:"3900,00 per year, O-G-G-O-O-G-o-G-G-C