;~~°`~~: _1 ~p1 N0, 9987 TRANSFER OF !~S,000,00 FROM :EA-~RAL FUND TO OFFICERS SALARY FUND On this the 10th day of May 1965, upon motion made by Com-~issioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously approved that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to transfer the sum of '5,000,00 from the :general Fund to the Gfficers Salary Fund, o-o-o-G-o-o-o-o-o-o ^T0. 9988 AFPORTTOPI"~iSNT OF .~,5, 000, 00 FROM. GENERAL ROAD AND BRIDE FUND On this the lOt'r. day of May 1965, upon motion made by Co,•unissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court unanimously approved that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to apportion the sum of x"5,000.00 out of t!Za General Road and Brides Fund to the respective Commissioners' Precincts: Road & Bridge ;rfl --- --- X1,700,00 Roa3 & Bridge ~{2 ------- ~ 850.00 Road & Bridge ;~3 ------- ~ °,50,00 Road & Bridge ,,#4. ------- ~1,600.G0 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9989 READING AP?D AFPROVAL OF MINUTES On this the 10th day of May 1965, upon motion made by Commissioner "^,o sty, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Court unanimously approved the Minutes of Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, from pages 23R thru 250, Volume M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o C".iTRT RECESSED May 10, 1965 at 2:50 o'clock P, M, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o C!'URT REC''.?'ViDTED May 11, 1965, with the following officers present: Julius R, Neunhoffer ',d, C, Schwethelm C. H. Monty Adolph Bartel Roger Stone County Judge Commissioner Precinct 1 Commissioner Precinct 2 Cnm~nissioner Precinct 3 Commissioner Precinct 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following orders were passed: No. 9990 AFi'ROVAL OF QUARTERLY REPORT OF CO[?N'I'Y F-NANCES ANU 'I'ABULA.R STA'PEMENT OF CGUNTY CLRRK OF INDEBTEDNESS, EXFEP;DTTiJRt:S AND RECEIPTS OF KERR COUNTY On this the 11th day of May 1965, came on to be examined by the Court the Quarterly Report and Tabular Statement of Emmia ^?, Muenker, County Clerk, covering the indebtedness, expenditures and recai.pts of Kerr County for the quarter beginning February 1, 1965 and ending Arri_1 30, 1965, and the same having been compared and examined by the Court and foz;nd correct. upon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone, said report was unanimously approved by the Court and ordered filed for future reference and subject to audit, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0, 9991 ORDER A^"ROVING C~~??ARTERLY REPORT OF CGUNTY TREASURER On this the 11th day of May 1965, i.n Regular monthly session of Commissicners' Court, cane on for examination the 4,?,arterly Report of Mrs, E, M, McDonald, County Treasurer of said County, for the reri-od beginning on the first day of February 1965 and ending the 30th day oŁ Arril 1965, and the same having been examined and crmpared by the Court and found correct, And it arpearing to the Court that d~iring the said time the Treasurer has received for account and crsdit and raid out of each of said funds as reflected in the report and become a Dart thereof; and that said accounts received and paid out of the respective funds, since the filing of the rreced~n? report and d,:rin« the period above stated, are correct as therein shown. ~~~ IT TS T?EREFCRE OP,DERED by the Court that the sa`_d detailed report be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk cf this Court is hereby ordered to file same in the record binder provided for the °^i.nutes of County Finances, and that proper credits be made in the accounts of said County Treasurer in accordance with this Order, Motion made by Co*timissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approv- ed by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED May 11, 1965 at 1:50 o'clock F, M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COTTRT C"DTVEPTED IPT SPF.CTAL SE SSiON Tday 21, 1965 at 10:00 o'clock A.M,, with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer W, C, Schwethelm C, H. T4osty Adolph Bartel Roger Stone County Judge Commissioner Precinct 1 Commissioner Frecinct 2 Commissioner Precinct 3 Commissioner ^recinct 4 and the Court hav°ng duly opened, the following proceedinJs were had: N0, 9992 ACCEPTANCE OF BID OF HGLT MAC~IIN~RY CO"-IPANY On this the 21st day of May 1965, cane onto be considered by the Court the sealed bids for One New Wheeled Type Loader as per specifications, T`ppn opening and reading the bids filed with the County Clerk of the Court, it is found that t'ne bi.d of Holt Machinery Company 9n the amount of x17,429.00, less trade allowance for Kerr Co, A-C TL12 loader in the amount of ~3,929.OC, leaving a net balance of X13,500,00, be accepted as the lowest and best bid, ^4otion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved b-y the Court, O-G-G-G-G-O-G-O-O-C N0, 9993 APPROVAL OF PLAT OF GUADA?d*FE HEIGHTS SUBDI'TiSICN N0, 4 Cn this the 21st day of May 1965, upon motior, made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner "'osty, the Court unanimously approved the Plat of Guadalupe Heihts, Subdivision No. 4. o-c-c-c-o-o-o-c-o-o NC. 9994 APPR~~VAT, OF ='AY'~F,PTT TO LLOYD Sr'1ITZER FOR RISHT-OF-::?AY F~~R STATE HT3?IWAY N0, 39 at INGRAM On this the 21st day of May 1965, upor, motion made by Commissioner Stcne, seconded by Commissioner Schwethelm, the Court unanimously approved the, pa}Tent to L1Gyd Switzer in the amo~.nt of "'.156,25 as full compensation `or his conveyance of 1/8th interest in Right-of-.day Parcel No, 15 for State Tiighway No, 39 at Ingram, Thispaymert to be in lieu of payment authorized by Order No, 9946 and it is further ordered that the Clerk and Treasurer be authoriz- ed to draw a vcucher on Highway 39 R/W Fund in t;he amount cf X156.25, payable to Lloyd Switzer, o-o-o-o-c-c-o-c-o-o CnURT ADJOURNED May 21, 1965 at 1C:45 o'clock A, M, o-o-o-c-c-c-o-o-o-o