~~( Commissioner Schwİthelm, the Court unanimously approved ti.at the County Cl,.rk and County Treasurer be, and era hereby directed to apportion the sum of ~~7,500.00 out of the Ueneral Road and Bridge Fund to the respective Com-7issioners' Precincts: Road ~ Bridge rl ------------ X2550.00 Road. & Bridge rf2 ------------ X1275.00 Road & Bridge ~#3 ------------ $p1275.00 Road Ec Bridge ,~4 ------------ ?1}00.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I`T0, 10051 APPROVAL OF ANPNAL REPORT OI' TAI: COLLECTOR FOR TAY. Y.~.'AR 196La., ENDING JUTS 30, 1965 On this the 9th day of August 1965 came on to be examined by the Court the settlement with Juanita Reeves, Tax Assessor-Collector, for the period ending Juna 30, 1965 and it appear- inu to the Court that said report is in proper form and should be approved; and That the Tax Assessor-Collector by credited with the amounts as set forth on the current tax roll of Insolvents, Errors, Delinquents and lliscounts A1losaed; also that the Tax Assessor- Collector be charged with the amounts collected in addition to the current rolls of Insolvent Tax Collections, Redemption and Poll Taxes, as listed on the report, .-, Upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel, the Court un- animonsly accepted said report as submitted, to be filed with the County Clerk, for future reference and subject to audit, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECESSED August 9, 1965 at ~_:00 o~clock P.,~I, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT RECOTv'VET%:D August 12, 1965, with the following officers present: Julius R, Pleunhoffer County Judge 'v7, C, ScYiwethelm Commissioner Precinct 1 C, H. Monty Commissioner Precinct 2 Adolph Bartel Commissioner Precinct 3 Roger Stone Commissioner Precinct !} and the Court having duly opened, the following orders were passed: N0, 10052 ORDER AI PROVING QUARTERLY REYOR'P OF COUN`T'Y `PREASUttER un this the 1?th day of August 1965, in Regular monthly session of CommissionersT Court, -^ came on for examination the Quarterly Report of Mrs, E, i~,, I4cDonald, County `Preasurer of said County, for the period beginning on the first day of nay 1'j65 and ending the 31st day of July 1965, and the same having bİen examined and compar4d by the Court and Pound correct, And it appearing to the Court that during the said time the Treasurer has received for account and credit and paid out of each of said funds as reflected in the report and become a part thereof; and that said accounts received and paid out of the respective funds, since the filing of the preceding report and during the period above stated, are correct as therein shoran, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED by the Court that the said detailed report be, and the same is hereby approved, and the Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to file same in the record binder provided for the Minutes of County Finances, and that proper credits be made in the accounts of said County Treasurer in accordance with this Order, Motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner T`iosty and unanimously approved by the Court, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 10053 APPROVAL OF ~,UARTERLY REPORT OF COUil"i'1' FIIdAPdCliS AND TABULAR STATE'?~irIuT OF CvUIVTY CLliRI:. OP' III?'.~EB'1'E1i1IL'SS, 1sXr'Ei']DITUI~."~'S AND RECEIPTS OF' Kc:RR CODNTY On this the 12th day of August 1965, came on to be examined by the Court ti.e Quarterly