~~~~ -- - ---_ -- of lire County would be bast served if the Precinct Officials of Herr County are paid on a .-. salary basis for the year 1966; Upon motion duly made by Commissioner Stone, secondod by Commissioner Schwatholm, and unanimously approved by the Court, that the Precinct Officials of Kerr County be paid on a salary basis for tae year 1966, as l:rovided by la.a. It is further ordered that the Clark of tizis Court prepare a certified copy of tlris order and send sane to tine State Comptrullar of Public Accounts in Austin, Texas, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o id0, 10160 'TRIit1:~FEt OF 4;7,i~50,00 TO SOCIAL SliCUitITY FUi`ID On this the 10th day of January 1966, upon motion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, second- ed by Cornmissionor Bartel, Ciro Court unanimously approved that the County Clark and 'Treasurer be, and are hereby directed to transfer the following amounts to the Social Security Fund from their respective funds: Jury Road and General Officers `1' o w 106.00 Bridge .,;2,556.00 N 625.00 Salary y, 1r, 175,00 ;al rN7,~+50.00 o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o IdO. 10161 ORDER FIXING PAY OF' GRAND JURORS, PE'PIT JURORS Al~1D SPECIAL VEIvIREi4s:N IN llISTRICT COURT AND 0.~~ JUt{ORS IIv COUN'PY COURT On this the 10th day of January 1966, cause on to he heard and considered by the Court the matter of fixing the ccmpensation of Grand Jurors, Petit Jurors and Special Vaniramen in the District Court oi' Korr County and of Jurors in the County Gourt of Kerr County as is reauired to be dcno annually 'oy Article 2122, Vernons Civil Statutes, Article 1056 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 35. ti;. of tho Code of Criminal Procedure and after due considera- lion, it is ordorod on motion by Commissioner Stone, secundad by Co:runissioner iiosty, and un- animously a proved by the Cnurt, that the cor^pe,rsation to be paid during tyre year 1966 and until further orders of the Court to all the aforesaid classes of Jurors and Veniremon shall ^- be fixed at .,~5,G0 per day, including those su:nrnoned but who .may be excused for cause aftor being tested on voir dire, with such compensation to be paid out of the Jury Fund of ISerr County, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o I.C. 10162 ~~iiD~:R rI:CI1dG I'AY FOIL GRAiJ AlrD Ils'1'I'P JURY SAlI.IP'FS On this fire 10tH. day of January 1966, carne on to bo hoard and considered by the Court the matter of fixing fire compensation to be paid Grand Jury L'ailiffs at pointed pursuant to Article 19.36 cf the Coae of Criminal Procedure and i'etit Jury Bailiffs pzovided by t'rre Sheriff pursuant to Article 36.21~ of tiro Code of Criminal Procedure and it appearing to the Court that tae rate of compensation for such Bailiffs should be fixed by the Court, it is ordered on aotion by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Corrusissioner l+losty and unanimously approved by the Court that the compensation of Grand Jury Bai1i1'fs and of refit Jury bailiffs in both Criminal and Civil Cases in all of the Courts of Kerr County be fixed ho re after at life rate of ;x5,00 per day, And it is furtkrer ordered that vouchers shall be drawn on the Jury r'und of Kerr County to compensate all Bailiffs in the samo manner as vouchers are drawn to compensate Jurors servir~,r in tyre Court in which such Tailiffs may have served, o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o