6 +~ .~~~ THE STATE OF TEXAS UGUNTY OF KERB ~ BE IT REr-IEP-IBF,RED that there was begun and holden on the 13th day of September 1y71 at 10:00 o'clock A.~-i., in t'r~e Cite of Kerrville, Texas, a Regular Term of Commissioners' Court, with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge W. C. Schwethelm Commissioner Precinct No. 1 Clinton M. Sallee Commissioner Precinct No. Adolph Bartel ^.ommissioner Preeirct t?o. 3 Roger Stone Comrr.~ssioner Precinnt No. 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: RTO. 1.1407 .,^.CEYTAS10h' OF BID OF CHARLES SCHREINER COMPAA?Y FOR DOP.ESTIC I~IAT.?UFACTURED V+'I RE AP'.D GATES On this the 13th day o_° September 1`)71., came on to be considered by the Court the seal- ed bids for fencing materials for right-of-way on F. P•T. Road r~80, as per specifications on file in the County Clerk's Office. Upon opening and reading the bids filed tiai.t'r. the County Clerk of the Court, it is found that the bid of Charles Sehrei.r.er Company for domestic manufactured wire and gates be accepted as the lowest and best bid for fencing material for F. M. Road 480. .T°iotion made by Commissioner Schwethelm, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 114;;8 BID FOR PG STS FOR F. I'i. ROAD 480 TABLED On this the 13th day of September 1y71, upon motion made by Cornrrissicner Stone, secend- ed by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously a1~prnved that the bid for pine posts be tabled for further consideration, for F. M. Raid 480. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 11.409 APPROVAL GF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Un this the 13th day of September 1y71., came on to be examined by the Court the various elairns and ar;^ount.s against Kerr County and the respective Commissioners Precincts since tre last term of Court, which claims and accounts were approved for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer, in °+mnunts and out of Rnad and Bridge "?os. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Lateral Road No. 1, General, Officers Salary, County Law Library, Jury, Permanent Improvement and F. ICI. 480 R,~iA Funds, as shown in the Minutes of Accounts allowed from page 1431 tYiru 1434 , Voucher Nos. 30010 thru 30144 , whi.nh were made a part hereof and of this order. Motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved by the Ccurt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 11410 T~IONTHLY REPORTS OF COUNTY AND YRECINOT OFFICERS OF KERR COUNTY APPROVED On this the 13th d~~y of September 1971, came on to be examined by the Court the various reports of Au_,ust of the County and Precinct Officers oŁ Kerr County, Texas, and the same having been heard and considered by the Court, finds that said reports are true acrd correct sod should be approved; therefore upon motion of Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commis- sioner Sch~eethelm, the Court unanimously approved that the suo,uitted reports be acne pted :and filed with the County Clerk for future reference end subject to audit. E:;:IIE M. ~NENKER, County Clerk, collection of fee s of office ~u3047.04 EP:P:IE hi. PiJENb:ER, ^,o~rnty Clerk, fines, judgments & jury fees 31617.50 ED HONDA, District Clerk, judgme nts & j ury fees 404.75 LEOD? F. 1i.4YLES, Sh eriff, out of County fees :~ 127.50 0. N. SICIFGiGRTH, P ublic 'v~l ei.gher, Scale receipts f or Aug., ly7]_ ROBERT I. ~:IiL50N, Justice of the Peace, Prec. 1, fines & fees ;~ 342.00 ROBERT I. ';JILSOD?, Justice of the Year,e, Frec. 1, Sri=311 r,l3ims 3 47.00