~~ CGURT COPdVENED IN SPECIAL SESSIOI9 DECEPTBER 30, 1971 at g:00 o'clock A.M., with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge Clinton M. Sallee Commissioner Precinct 2 Adolph Bartel Commissioner Precinct 3 Roger Stone Commissioner Precinct 4 and the Court having duly opened, the following proceedings were had: N0. 11487 ORDER AMENDIATG ORDER N0. 1146y IrUTTC PRO TUNC NOVL'MBF.R 8, 1971 On this the 30th day of December 1971, upon motion made by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court, it is ordered that Urder No. 11469 be amended, Nunc Pro Tunc, November 8, 1871 to include salary increases for the following: County Attorney X7920.00 per annum District Clerk X6600.00 per annum the same to be effective as of December 1, 1971. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o N0. 11498 APPROVAL OF CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS On this the 30th day of December 1971, came on to be examined by the Court the various claims and accounts against Kerr County and the respective Commissioners Precincts since the last term of Court, which claims and accounts were approved for payment by the Clerk and Treasurer, in amounts and out of Road ~C Bridge 3, General, Officers Salary, General Road and Bridge and County Law Library Funds, as shown in the Minutes of Accounts Allowed on Page 1456, Voucher Nos. 30914 thru 30939, which were made a part hereof and of this order. Motion made by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Sallee and unanimously approved by the Court. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COUNT ADJOURNED DEC'_^;MBER 30, 1971 at 9:35 o'clock A.M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Foregoing minutes from pages 2'75 thru 28(i were read in open Court and found correct and are hereby approved this 10th day of January 1972. ~~~77 ~ )) AT'"PEST ~Y7z yr z~ pd 1. ` l~fs_U'yt ~L_e_ `' I County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas O-o-O-U-O-O-O Texas