~~t' the existing contract and the working arrangements agreed upon thereunder sre providing "' satisfactory rural fire protection for the citizens of Kerr County and that it would be t~; the best interest of Kerr County to renew such contract for a one year period. It is, therefore, ordered on motion by Commissioner SchwetY:elm, seconded by Commis- sioner Bartel and unanimously approved b;,~ the Court that the exi.stirg Fire Contract with the City of Kerrville, Texas, as amended effective June 1, 1970, be renewed for a period of one year corti,aencing June 1, 1970 and ending May 31., 19?? as provided in Fart C of the existing contract, said renewal to become effective upon the joinder therein by tt_e Cit;;~ o_° Kerrville by letter acceptance as provided for by the terms of i'art C, .and it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Court forward a certified copy of this order to the City of o~/ G~ Kerrville, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~o I~?0. 11.577 ORDER R?:FU?dDING CERTAI^d AD VALOREI-i TAXE:i EIIiZONEOUSLY rAID KL'RR COU^iTY BY I'~?. iI. ... BUTT 1~'OR T?IE YEARS 19Ei1-71, IA'CLUSIVE ~3-~~ On this the Bth day of May~came on to be heard and considered by the Court the request of Mr. H. F. Butt for the refund of certain ad valorem taxes paid to Kerr County which taxes were assessed against and paid on 7.00 acres of land out of B. F. Cage Survey 116, Abstract 106, for the years 1961-71 inclusive; And it appearing to the Court that the owner of record of the '] acres of land concern- ed during the period 1961-71 was i.n fact Mr. Robert Iloldsworth and that the said Robert Holdswortlr also rendered the same 7 acres of land S'or taxes for these years and also did pay all ad valorem taxes assessed against same on the Kerr County tax roils for the years 1961- 71, inclusive, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Conur,issioner Sallee and unanimously approved b,y the Court that the request of the said H. E. Butt for re- fund of those ad valorecr taxes which he paid i.n error to Kerr County for the years 1.961-71, inclusive, and which were duly deposited in the Kerr County Treasury be refunded. as follows: County ad valoren taxes ir. the amount of a212.4tS, Flood Co atrol and Lateral koad ^laxes in the ar..ount of X79.68; And it i.s Further ordered that the Clerk and t;he Treasurer draw a voucher in tY.e amount of :~21~.4~3 en the General Fund of Kerr Co.rnt;;r and si voucher in the a;:~ount of a79.6S, one half on the Farm to Market and Lateral Road Fund and one half on the Flood Control :dainten- ,~~' ~`' ance Fund, the said vouchers being payable to Nir. I[. E. Butt. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~o A?0. 11578 ORDER AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS OUT OF GENERAL ROAD ~ BRIDGE F:RID On this the &th day of May, Ly7?, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of investing certain Bands currently on deposit in the General Road and Bridge Fund, and it appearing to the Court that the sum of X050,000.00 out of the General. Road and Bridge Fund should be promptly invested for a period of six months pending possible need of these funds for expenditure, it i.s ordered on motion by Commissioner Bartel, seconded by Commissioner Stone and unanimously approved by the Court that the sum of X50,000.00 out of the General Road and Bridge Furd be invested in an Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit with the Chas. Schreiner Bank, w?Zich investment shall be made as soon as practicable and that such Certificate of Deposit shall be for a l.er:.od of six months from date of invest- ment. And it is further ordered that the Clerk and the Treasurer be authorized to draw a ~ proper voucher in the amount of ~y0,000.00 on the General. Road and Bridge Fand to effect the aforesaid investment with the Chas. Schreiner :Bank.