C-J{PJf N0. 11740 ORDER CANCELLING COUNTY COURT VOUCHER N0. B-1310 AND AUTHORIZATION FOR ISSUANCE OF REPLACEMENT On this the 22nd day of December 1972, upon motion made by Commissioner Bartel, second- ed by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved that 'treasury Voucher No. B-1310, in the amount of $15.00, issued October 2, 1972 to Virginia DeGeurin, be cancelled and that the Clerk and Treasurer be authorized to issue a replacement voucher in the above amount, made payable out of the Jury Fund/to Virginia DeGeurin. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o P7U. 11741 ORDER AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF SURPLUS FUNDS OUT OF REVENUE SHARING TRUST FUND On this the 22nd day of December 1972, came on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of investing certain funds currently on deposit in the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, and it appearing to the Court that the sum of $40,000.00 out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund should be promptly invested for a period of six months, pending possible need of these funds for expenditure, it is ordered on motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Bartel and unanimously approved by the Court that the sum of $40,000.00 out of the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund be invested in an Interest Bearing Certificate of Deposit with the Chas. Schreiner Bank, which investment shall be made as soon as practicable and that such Certificate of Deposit shall be for a period of six months from date of invest- ment. ,,q~,~ And it is further ordered that the Clerk and the Treasurer be authorized to draw a ? proper voucher in the amount of $40,000.00 on the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund to effect the aforesaid investment, with the Chas. Schreiner Bank. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT ADJOURNED DECEMBER 22, 1972 at 11:25 o'clock A. M. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o The Pore~oirg minutes frrm pale ?1a.8 thru 3~3 were read in open Court and fcund correct and are horeby approved this 29th day of December 1912. _.,~f~ ~' < ~. > ,~ Q ilnt;~ y Clerk, Kerr County, Te: as C unty~~Kerr Ccunty~ ~'eJ:as o-o-o-o-o-o-,-o-o C ai t" C~::?N •rD IT• Si ~CZni ., C >J_GrT D G..,::-_,li ~?, 1972 at 9:00 0' c1Grlc A. _. , with the fcllnwir.- officers ~resant: rl ius R Neun o_'i'er CGUntg 7ud~a ?~!. C. Schl~rethelm Commmissioner Pracinet No. 1 Clinton 14. Sallee Commissioner rrecinct No. dGlph Martel A er Co;nnissio n .Precinct 1•iG. 3 l 1~~.'F)a1 JtGn© ' ~ GG,nm .~JJ~. Gt1er riCiLn Cif 1VG• L~. and the CCUrt '.'.aV~' :111;, Ui~e nAil, the f01.1.Gw :.n; prOCt33~. n%S 'rla r8 had: ?1G. 117;x.2 APPROVAL OF CLAI.-TS 4iID ACCOUIei'CS On this the 29th day of December 197', came or, to oe examined ;,;* the Court the various claims aid accounts a;ainst Y•.err Cnunt~; an~1 `he rasp-ective Co.:r~issionors Precinct:.; since ~he last, farm of C::urt, ~•r~,ich claims and accounts ~•rare arprovod for pa~tnent by the Clerk ant Treasurer, in amounts and cut of ~:eneral, Officers Sal a: y, enaral Road &. F3rid,e, C~-.unty La.a '~ibrary acld '. Ci, and Lateral Road Punds, ao s'.'~o~tn in tine Iiinutss of Acecun.s Allowed frc•m .-, .a,e 1 r7 .':ru 156, Voucher ides. ?3"?`>0 ., .ru 51~_Cll, w ich wera main- s ::art herecf and of this order. :-"otion. reads ~;; Cyr;nisscner Sallee, socon_'.ed l,y Corr:i~siorar Stone and unani:r,rn.xsly approved by 'the Court. n-n-;;-;:-n-r,-n-n-n-n