$Y~ ^10. 11920 ORDL~R TO ADVERTIS'7 FOR BIDS FOR ONE PLATTd PAP',sR COPYI??G PutCHTT. L FOR USE BY ,1 RR COUPi TY On this the 13th da~r of August 1'73, upon motion made by Comm:issi.or_er Bartel, second- ed by Commissioner Sallee, the Court unanimously approved J,hat the County Judge be authoriz- ed to advertise for bids for or_e plain paper copying machine for use by Kerr County. Specifications are on file in the office of the County Clerk. Bids to be received until 9:C0 o'clock A. Tai., August 31, 1973, at which time ail bids vriii be publicly opened and read. ?ot:ices to be published August 16 and August 23, 1973 in the official. newspaper of Kerr County. Kerr County reserves the right to reject ary and all bids. o-e-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o COURT ADJUURPiED AUGUST 13, 1_y73 at 3:30 o'clock i?. PI. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o COURT 3E-CCT`VEI?LD TP? EGULAR SESSION AJCUST ].7, !')73 st 9:G0 o'clock A. __ , with the following officers present: Julius R. Neunhoffer County Judge LV. C. Sohwetrielm Commissioner Precinct ?~'o. 1 Ado1-~h Bartel Commissioner Precinct ATO. 3 Roger Store Commissioner .I'rec-:.pct No. 4 and the Court h=~v'_ng d~.~ly opened, th.e fo11o•~aing prcceeding;a ~~rere had: n?0, 11921 APPROVAL OF PLAT OF CU1'?:T_PSIGHAPi-HERBST ADDITION On t'nis the 17th day of Au_ust 1973, unor. motion made by Commissioner Bartel., second- ed by C~ m:^,i~ sinner Sc'nvrethelm, the C'~u;^t unanimously approved the Plat of Cunnir:gham-Herbst addition, subject to clerical correction of Subd.ivison ti.e to ,•l.-~t of origiilcl Jusve„ corner ar.d :subject to the provision:, that actual !:air_ten',nce of roadways w',.11 not be assumed by F;err Cour_ty until res.identi~al deeeelopment sY:~~l.l j:z:=ti fy said maintenanr.e. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o `U. 1192?_ APFRCVaI, OF t~U~IRT?;RLY RE1'OHT OF COU.;TY Flrr~':NCE3 :.b:D TABULAR STATE ~':NT OF COUNTY CLr:Ri: OF I.IDEBTEDNESS, EXPisT•iDITURES ~iND RECEIPTS OF KEHR COUNTY Cn this the 17th day of Augu:~t 1.973, c.e:ne nn to be ex~i:niru;d by the Co•art the ~wu~zrteriy Report and Tabular St.ztetr.ent oi' E~ame T+:. Duenker, County ClF:rk, covering tl;e indebtedness, exr~er.ditures :end rote.=pts of Kerr County for the quarter beginning Niay 1, 1973 ar:d er!ding July 31, 1973, arrd tYie sr,:~e having beer. comp:gyred and examir.