~~ f-ands, since the fili.no of the precedin~^ report r..1d during the period above st~~ted, are fo'and correct as therein shuwn. It is ti~erefore ordered by the Court that tY:e sriid detailed report be, and tr.e same is'_.ereby approved, and t'r_e CL=ri: of• this C~~!.rrt is hereby ordered to file s:me i.n the record birder provided for the Piimites of Co':nty F'i-!ernees, rind t?gat proper credits be made in the accounts of said Tre~isurer ir. accord„nee with this order. T~iotior. m<,ainst funds received for the year 1.972, said checlr to be made payable to Copy Distributir_g Com:pary, Inc. o-o-c-O-O-o-O-n-O-D TTO. 11x26 ADGFTIGPT OF BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1974 On this the 31st day of August 1973, came or.. to be considered by the Court the pu'olic hearing in the matter of the adoption of t'rre Count,/ Budge± for the year 1.87-r. It `:ppe"arin~r t0 the COUrt t}`i1t propC'T nOt1C<'-S h.'x VE: bi:en )ub :t aired in the Oft C="1 i1 e'.NSp'-pGr O~ li"-rr County i.n the City o° Kerrville, Texc!s for one week prior to t2.e hearing date e.?reof, and ,.~ after thoroug:r examination by the Court ;nd the consideration of tl_e public interest o° the co.n.aurit,; , the Court is o£ the opinion t'rrr.t the proposed budget- should be rj ,proved. T:':erefore, on motion made 'ry Commissioner Bartel., seconded by Coiru:!is^ion~r Sauce, the Ccurt un-ani.mously sproved the adoption of the County Bud~,et fur 1974. o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o