Y i. LJ ??0. 11927 A:"PRCV~~L OF PL.:T GF CL",!;AR VIE',V 1]STATES Gr: this the 51st da;,~ of Auf~ast 1g 7?, upon motion made by Commissi.orer Schwethelr^~, seconded by Comr.:issior_cr Sallee, the Court unar_irrously approved the Plst of Clear View Estates, provided in se doing;, Kerr Count,-;r do" ; :.o t: :;crept as County Ro:,d`:r :ys the read easements dedicated for public use, and further, th!t Kerr Ceunty does no'. issur:,e resrorsi- bility Pon renrair, "?aintennnr,,~, can^truction or re curatruction of ro:dvr^ys so dedic~=tad. It is ''urthcr ordered that the action of tl:e Commissioners' Court, relative to the road- vravs shown on the plat, be shown. or. then face of the pl_it, 'adore it v:ill be accepted for filing ir. the Plat Re cords o° Kerr County, Texas. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o PTC. 11 28 OF'^"'R TC FR: TTC:S ?ZT~.~L STIs'/I:i~^TD .'lIS :i? ': ~"'-' "? T' T' -T 1F ^ .L :.. .,t Bi_. D, JACK r. ~:~~V.~°.5, rOR ~~I"vtl C '.JAY rCR STATE N.IGrI'vJ.iY 16 On this the 31 day of Auust .1973, carxe on to be heard and considered by the Court the matter of acUuiring 'a parcel of ]_:.nd from Frances Re`xl Stevens and husband, Jack .~i. Stevens, reuuired for right of way for the reconstruction. of a portion of State :ig::Eway 16, and it appearing to the Court that t'ne Landowners concerned have expressed a vrillingress to accept a prior verbal o££er m:!de on behalf of Kerr County, it is ordered on motion b;* Commissior_er Stone, seconded by Comrr.i.asioner Sc~.wethelm and unanimously approved by the Court t:^at Kerr Coar_ty offers to .pay Frances Ite:+l Stevens :ind hu:_,band, J'==c}: i`'.. Stevens, the snm of :"'r3,5G0.00 `is compensation for land, damages and sevor:ince d-,merges for their convey- :.ace to the State of Te.:~as of a parcel. o` land comprisi-ng 1.705 acres of land out of Survey 148, J. ~^.. Southmsyd, wit'r. payment being made upon. approval for fili.r.~_~ .;rd recordation by the Texas Highw::y De,,r:rrt!^.ent of their properly executed rigY!t of vray deed, which approval shall be conditioned on final title approval :'rd payr.:ent of a:11 ad v~+1.orem taxes, including C',urreYlt t•`7xeS t.erLt0 fore ~1SSe SSed g:.iln:,t t'Pie prC party CCnVey ed; :-:nd 1n additl On t0 t':^:e foregoing, Kerr County vril.l, sfter tine reconstruction :and relocation of .hate Highway 16, seek tc have the Texas Hioli^.vay De part:nent close and sabardon as :. rrubl.ic ro:a3way those nor±ior.s of the present right o waa of said ili.ghway 16 which -abut t'.^e rer~:zinders o_` the lands pres^-ntly o`;rned b,; I'r::.ices Real.. Steven. and wni..~h lie ot:.tside the relocated new ri~h.t of way ~xr_d t'r.ere^fter see'.•t to helve legal titlr to said abandoned right of vr`ay vested in the said Frances Real Stevens to t'.^.e extent tlrzt her predecessors in title, Felix R. Real, Sr., ~fi;~' et al, dcnated th. ^ame to the State of Texas in the year 1.941, and it is further ordered that the Clerk ~znd the '!'reasoner be riutiiori zed to draw ^r voucher on the High•,aay 16 right Of Way fund in t}1e amOi]nt Of .~~zi, `~(r0.~'O t):iy;i b'.. •? t0 FranCeS rt(_al Ste V~'nS 'lad J:'C'_s i`i. Ste VenS, w•'%ich vou~?per shall be delivered to *,hem upon. fn:rl approval for filing •^ind record•~tior_ by `he Texas Hi.g'r.w~ry De partn.ent of ti:ei r ri g1a of way deed. o-o-o-a-o-n-o-c.-o-c n'0. 1197.9 e~.PP30VAL Cx~ A ~tdi1AL I?APO '£S QI~ '1'A.Y r`.SSESSUi2-COLE ACTOR FOR TA1C YEAR 1972, ~?DI?^?G ~'li.T~; 30, 197j On tl.is the ",lst 3:!y of August :1973, carne on to be examined by the Court the settlement with Juanita Reeves, Tax Assessor-Collector, for the period ending June ;0, Lg73 and it appearing to the Court that said report :is in proper fora: and sho~!ld be approved; and That the ~l'ax Assessor-Co Hector be credited with the amounts as set forth on the current t^x ro:(.l of Insolvents, Errors, De!.in:~',zents and Di:='.counts Allowed, ss foilovas: ';`~~,mE COUT?^Y :C OGI, ~ C LR UG~2?, TOTAL "! ~ - Roll. n,_.,___ ue~'I ion Go '•~~~ no'7 '3'~ ~nl?_9F,Q_(lft :;`7q_(lR4_43 .~ln_R.^O,_C)9 4,4 P~,~_~,'7